PSA: if you workout in a small secluded gym, don’t do supersets and hog 2-3 machines

@aeri20 True for any gym. Makes my blood boil. Last time I trained a freaking idiot was doing one set of everything to show off. Used the whole gym and left sweat stains on every single piece of equipment. Of course he walked around like the cock of the walk between "sets" for added douchiness.
@aeri20 I just start using the one I want. If they complain i say something along the lines of "youre using multiple machines, im not waiting".
@aeri20 There's this gym rat in my gym that comes every day at peak hours and still hogs 3 machines at a time supersetting everything. Piece of shit probably already has a couple special places reserved in hell.
@aeri20 Agreed but also I'd like to add that if you're using a machine and you have alot of sets or multiple exercises on that machine,you should offer to share with the person [they go while you rest and vice versa]
@aeri20 PSA if a chick is looking fine and you try shoot your shot. Make sure you take ur shirt off first and while talking try to flex ur pecks so they bounce, best life tip, and will get u laid basically 100% chance