Quarantine Body Transformation: March 2020 - October 2020

@skilletboy I will say, I barely did any quad workouts this journey. Since I was limited to mostly dumbbell leg workouts, I never really enjoyed it as much. But these muscles were built before quarantine, I guess? Haha. If I did do quad workouts, they were mostly heavy weight lifting consisting of squats, deadlifts, and leg presses. I used to do leg workouts more than I did upper body, when gyms were open.

My diet was hard to commit at first, but eventually I just had to discipline myself and hold myself accountable. I wasn’t too strict with my diet, since I would usually just fall off whenever I did that. I started with intermittent fasting with a 16:8 window. Then once I got a better control over my snacking, I mostly went with a caloric deficit of 300. From there, I just tried to eat mostly protein throughout the day :)
@jesusislord81 Thank you! I’m honestly just taking this workout thing one step at a time. I’m by no means an expert, just an enthusiast at the most. I just used a consistent upper body workout of overhead press, bicep curls, and tricep extensions. I mostly used dumbbells since this was all done inside my room. I’ll throw a few variations of those workouts with an increase in weight or reps every other week. I also did this three times a week. I never did any cardio, was just on a caloric deficit for most of the journey.