r/PetiteFitness Lounge

Mm, no. If you add some resistance to the body weight exercise , that would be closer. Chloe ting will help tone, but not build muscle. This week there will be postings about this so stay tuned 🤗
@versewatches That’s good to hear :) Stupid question but does bodyweight workouts count as strength training? I’ve been following Chloe Ting’s program for a little over a month now
For your case you described, running sounds like a great idea! When you get closer to your goal weight, strength training would be a fabulous addition :)
No no, I’d never say any exercise is bad. It’s all relative! We put an emphasis on strength training for petite because it builds lean mass, which raises the amount of calories you burn at rest, allowing you to eat more.
@versewatches Please someone tell me that running isn’t bad for petite girls 😭 My legs are REALLY bottom heavy though, should I decrease running if I don’t want my legs to be soooo...big? Currently running 3-4 times a week, 12-16km per week
If you get something for this sub, this sub is for you. Generally petite is 5’3 and under, but 5’4 is certainly close enough ☺️