Realizing I'm getting O-L-D


New member
So recently I've started experiencing some slight knee pain in my left knee. I haven't had a chance to see a doctor yet but was wondering... is this normal for us 30 somethings to start experiencing? I'm thinking the pain is mostly from overuse (I work 2 manual labor jobs, one on a Lumber Yard and one in a fast food restaurant) I walk 2 miles to work 3 days a week followed up with, accoding to my fitbit, another 5 to 7 miles of walking at my first job. I can typically get a ride to my second job.

Overall my average steps per day is close to, if not over, 20,000 a day. I'm not allowed to wear in at my restaurant job due to cleanliness.

My knee doesn't make any popping noises, no grinding sensation or anything. Just when I go up stairs or squat I get a slight pain (by slight I mean 1 out of 10). But yeah, just wanted to share this and get other people's insight.
@dawn16 Yeah... that's what I'm afraid of. Given my current situation there's no way for me to do less except, NOT work my legs.

I plan on buying a bicycle to get to work and back during the day, night time is a little too risky for me.
@faithliness See your doc, and PT if need be. Try and minimize the walking to the extent you can. Fortunately, it is not bothering you too much but be proactive before 1 becomes a 5, etc
@faithliness That was my immediate thought, grab a bike (always check free sections on FB groups, craigslist, etc) to alleviate some pain. Consult a doc when you get the time, there might be cause for some kind of workman's comp here just to give you a bit of a break and reset along with anti-inflammatories (just spitballing). Ice at night in the meantime.
@faithliness I stopped running in my late 20s and early 30s because of knee pain. I am 47 now and run all the time without any. Turns out that when you try and carry excess weight into older age that will hurt you. Once I leaned down and dropped the weight most of my lower body problems went away. Big advocate of minimal shoes and strengthening your feet and legs. My opinion is that we tend to over cushion with shoes and that leads to structural problems and bad habits.
@faithliness Do you walk with your feet turned out? Walking long distances duck-footed can really do a number on your knees.

I injured my foot and I ended up turning my foot out while walking to alleviate the pain. Doing this for just a few weeks made me develop knee and ankle pain.
@faithliness Nope. You're 32, that isn't an age thing. If you were 52 I would still say this is not normal, but considering it might be a normal age thing at 32 is ludicrous. You may have some sort of underlying condition but it sounds like your life is very demanding on your body and you may be hurting yourself.
@faithliness Any injuries you suffered when you were young may start poking their heads out now that you’re in your 30s. I get achy in my right knee from an injury I suffered when I was 14.
@faithliness Probably overuse with a little bit of age. I recently had surgery on my knee for flakey cartilage (they basically melted it back down and smoothed it) ... mine was from a mixtof overuse/damage from a surfing accident/being an old lady.
@faithliness Could be acute due to overuse. Over time (age), overuse can cause issues that become chronic.

Given your activity level, a sports medicine visit to a the doctor would be worthwhile. Muscle imbalance, inflammation due to overuse, or shoe choice could all be factors that can be addressed.

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