Recommend me a program


New member
Hi, was wondering if someone could recommend me some programs to look into with the following crieteria. M35 been working out on and off for 10 years but pretty much a beginner in terms of strength as I haven't listed properly in nearly a year.
  1. 60 minutes - 4 times a week ideally focussed around the main lifts (squat, bench, dead, press) with a couple of accessories at the end.
  2. Not to complex with overly complex setup or movements.
  3. Able to be completed mostly in my home gym, have a rack with a barbell, adjustable dumbells, lat pulldown row, rowing machine.
  4. I want to do cardio on my off days or even on the same day i lift, so nothing that will completely smash me and will leave me unable to walk or do anything else. 2 - 3 times on the bike and a few runs depending on the season.
  5. Clear and consistent progression system, focusing mainly on strength building to start with once i build up some decent strength i may switch to a more hypertrophy style.
  6. I like integrating functional movements into the accessory work, single legged work, bands, carries rather than just pure strength work e.t.c
Thanks, what do you guys recommend? I did the functional bodybuilding stuff by marcus filly a year ago which i enjoyed but the movements were a little too complex with what i have available for a home gym.
@ajko Recently started gym again after almost 2 years hiatus.

I've been using the GZCLP for my back to the gym and it has a good feeling.

You hit the 4 big lifts 2 times a week. Once as a big, once as a offday with lower weights but more rep. So one day you'll do Squats as a big lift, Bench as off day. And two days later you'll switch. Same with deadlift and shoulder press.

It made me feel like I was getting back to it faster than just once a week

Then you move to higher reps exercice usually 3x15 to work on your endurance.

The rest is a bit trickier because GZCLP doesn't have a fixed routine but you'll find suggestions online or on apps like perseus or boostcamp.

This programme is not as beginner friendly as 5x5 or ppl. But it's one I felt made me progress faster at the goal of getting back to it after a long pause.

Edit: spelling
@georgieq I really liked the GZCLP. The vanilla barebones template is more than fine for a 45-60 minute workout.

To OP, you can add whatever pump work you want into the T3 categories. For single leg, single arm stuff, maybe do 3x8 just to make the amount of time it takes more reasonable.
@georgieq I started with the r/fitness Basic Beginner routine and now I'm doing GZCLP.

GZCLP can be run as a 3-day or 4-day per week routine. I do it 3 days.

I really like it so far (5 weeks in).

Check out the r/fitness wiki for other recommended routines.
@ajko Starting Strength, Stronglifts 5×5, or Madcow are super basic, easy to follow, have apps to help record progress, and give really great results in pretty short amount of time programs.
@ajko Haven’t lifted in a year…. Start Stronglifts 5x5 and use tha app. All yoh need is a rack, bench, bar and weights. Start with just the bar and increase weight every workout for a perfect linear progression. As you are working through that you can explore other programs to step up to.

If you feel good when things are super light do 30/40 second rests between sets or add some of the accessories you mentioned.
@ajko Gzclp is basically perfect for everything you said.

Neither Stronglifts or Starting Strength are recommended by any of the fitness subs.
@ajko Run Starting Strength or any other basic novice linear progression while gaining weight for 3 to 6 months then move on to an intermediate program.
@ajko has some programs. Look at the Monstrousitous University. It fits what you’re goals are. I’ve used them for over a year and have lost about 70 pounds.

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