Reconfigure or go double again?


New member
What’s good! So I’ve had double 18kg comps for about 6-7 months now. Been doing double work and, of course, single arm. I honestly enjoy 1KB workouts more (they do add more time to workouts though) but I do appreciate the load benefit and stimulus that doubles provide. I ran DFW and was grateful for the punishment. I f’d up the program and I think I made a metcon out of it. Clocked a peak of 84 for both C&P and FSQ on that 3/4 alternating day. Not gonna lie, kinda felt proud and stupid at the same time lol

That said, I’m looking to add or change my KB line up. First option is to get rid of the double 18s and get singles of 16, 20, 24. I could just complete the pairs eventually. I like the idea of offset loading with the three. Plus the lineup would not be wonky if I do decide to pursue ranking - although I’m not really into that yet.

I could also go the route of getting double 24kg since 20kg is kinda too close to 18s and I’ve never seen 22kgs in my city so far. Question is, is 18kg to 24kg that big of a jump? If I do offset work with a mix of 18 & 24, is the gap too huge?

Let me know what you think. Goal is plain old GPP, and variety I guess. When you were in a similar situation, how did you approach it?
@stp I've never considered any adjustable bell simply due to fear of it coming apart mid movement. I'm sure there are safety features for that but has anything like this ever happened? I'm sure it has due to user error, consumers can be idiots. Hard to not entertain at the 250 price point. I've been using a single 18kg from trugrit and been dreaming of getting some more bells for a while. Thanks for posting the link, I enjoy this part of the record 😁

Edit. I've never research adjustables at all. I should watch some review videos I guess.

Addendum. Welp, Wildman posted a video 2 days ago comparing it to kb Kings adjustable bell. May have found my father's day gift for myself.
@stp I've looked into that, but, as a single bell, it's probably gonna cost me almost double the price once it gets to my country. Even if I had the extra dough, and don't have space restrictions, I'd rather get doubles of 16,20,24,28 at that price w/o the shipping. I'm consistently looking at facebook and local ecommerce apps hoping one of those pop up. Only adjustables I see are those hardstyle-looking ones with the exposed plates and I'm not too keen on those :)

Appreciate the input!
@believer74 If you’re doing that sort of volume on the double 18s, I would go double 24 and a 28 (or 32). Any reason you would need a bell as light as 16 or the 20?

Or as you prefer singles 24-28-32 or 20-24-28