[Review] obé fitness app


New member
Earlier this year I decided I wanted to transition more from yt videos (which got repetitive each week) to something that has live videos and had slightly longer workouts and had some variety (e.g. wasn't just one type like barre). Typically each morning I would do two of the live classes from 6-7 am or from 7-8am chromecasted to my tv from my phone (iPhone).

obé seemed me speed, looked to be younger focused and had a variety of the below classes:

barre/hiit/dance hiit/pilates/strength/core/yoga/dance/sculpt/boxing/bounce (trampoline classes)

Reviews on types:
  • barre/pilates - looooove Katherine Menna and Jackie's barre/pilates classes (and also Mary W for pilates). They do a mix of traditional and reformer esque.
  • hiit/dance hiit - honestly I don't do these very often b/c I thought I would like them and I didn't. The dance (which is one of the reasons why I got this) is meh. Too high impact for my f'd up knee. Bummer. They don't offer low impact modifications.
  • Strength/power - I've done Kat's, Melody's, Walter's, and Angelo's - really liked all of them and they're a really good work out. Plus side is a lot of their classes build on each other which is v good for this.
  • boxing - it's p good, I've only done a couple but it's a pretty good workout
  • Sculpt - I've liked all the sculpt classes I've done and they get blended together with other classes - this is typical low weights 2-5, and maybe 8 sometimes
Ones I haven't done:
  • bounce (I don't have a trampoline and this is too high impact 4 me)
I was definitely more enthusiastic about obé when I started, but some of the schedule changes per month have put not my favorite classes in during my normal work out slit. It still maintains a weekly slot in my calendar.

Overall Pros:
  • Live classes (the instructor will/should call out your name)
  • On-demand videos (which is filterable by length 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 (28), 45 minutes; type; impact; etc)
  • Some of the instructors are really fun and engaging
  • If you're taking a dance video, it builds through so you learn it and build on it through the workout (both a pro and a con - pro you know it by the end and it helps to know foundation as you build it up, but also can feel kind of repetitive as a con and kind of boring)
  • They have programs that build on each other that are on-demand (tbh I haven't tried this and have thought about it, but a lot of people seem to like it)
  • Instructors are really engaging and also part of the sub is them responding to you on insta and I guess fb private groups (I don't have fb so that part is wasted on me)
  • A lot of workouts are on theme (halloween! hannukah! christmas!), which is really fun tbh
  • Not all classes build on each other (e.g. if you're doing Angelo's strength classes they'll build, but not all of the dance or other ones will build. It's good if you're looking for one off classes, but kind of annoying if you're doing it long term.)
  • New mixed/blend classes - some of the classes are good (e.g. I like dance/sculpt), but it has knocked out some traditional classes like longer 45 min barre. Now it's 45 min barre/cardio but I just want some longer barre classes.
  • Dance videos - idk...they're good workouts but sometimes they remind me of aerobics more than what I'm looking for. I end up going to youtube for dance routines etc because they're more current and honestly who the f wants to do the same steps in each video :(
  • Programming isn't always cohesive, sometimes it can feel all over the place
  • idk I'm kind of bored but still go back to my favorites
Overall, it's a pretty good app if you want live/on-demand classes of the above type. I think some of the dance classes are the most disappointing to me, but a lot of their other classes are pretty good and I typically have a pretty good workout.

Also tbh I like that it works well on my phone (casting to tv) and also on my laptop!

Also don't pay for your first month!!!! When I first looked, what I found was a 30% off coupon. Every month the instructors always post one for a free month. RIP me, but these are some of the current ones I pulled off of instagram (e.g. JACKIE100, MARY100, KATHERINE100, ALEX100, PETER100, etc.)

Also if you have an amex they have a 2 months free special :)
@ofugha I love obe! The mix of different classes and types of training is key. I think I’ll keep my subscription well after covid ends and things open up again, so convenient
@ofugha THANK YOU for the tip about the amex deal! Seems to be one that is continually renewing. As of 2/8/2021, there is a current 2-month free with your amex going until 3/31. When I applied it, it didn't work but after contacting Obe, they were able to apply a similar deal for me ($1/month for 2 months).
@aerintissa It's on the second page, I just tried a test email for it.

When it asks you to put in a monthly membership and credit card, there is a gift card/promo code box next to billing zip. You can put it there.
@ofugha I mostly use Obe for Kat’s power classes too! I’ve been using it since March and my body has really transformed just from her power classes. I try to do two power hour blocks per week.

Pro tip—if you call to cancel, they’ll give you a great deal. I’ve almost cancelled a bunch of times bc of the price factor (grad school budget) and end up getting an amazing deal instead so I can continue to afford it!
@ofugha I do Kat's one-hour power block at least twice a week. I'm absolutely obsessed, both with her energy as a trainer and with the improvements I've seen in my strength and endurance. The schedule looks dance-heavy at first glance, which initially turned me off as someone who focuses primarily on running and lifting weights, but there are plenty of strength-focused classes with people who absolutely know what they're doing, and I've also surprised myself with how much I enjoy doing a dance cardio class every once in a while. :) plus I love their vinyasa classes as well, especially now that they're mostly 50 minutes. I've been missing the gym so much and this has been a way better replacement than I could have imagined.
@marko959 Yes there are. Live yoga, barre, Pilates, sculpt, strength, power, dance cardio, dance HIIT, stretching, and bounce (there may be a couple of other class types I’m forgetting). There are about 20 live classes each day; the schedule varies. Plus tons of classes on-demand.
@ofugha Been doing Obe since March and am a big fan.

For the dance classes, the style varies depending on which instructor you take. Peter and Walter feel less aerobic-y than many of the others to me. Their sessions including choreography that builds on itself, so you have a routine by the end of the 28 mins.

Most often, I do Power classes with Kat E. For the first time in my life, I now have visible muscle definition in my arms. I also appreciate Kat’s focus on form, and that her classes build upon themselves.
@naturefanatic79 Same! While I almost never make the live classes (not a very west coast friendly schedule) I love the instructors and that even on days when I don’t feel like working out I can pick a 10 minute class, and usually do at least one more once I get started. I just renewed and went from quarterly to an annual subscription.