Rogue Invitational - Day 3


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Strongman Event 3 - Rogue-a-Coaster

Seated Rope Pull

Fastest Time Wins

CrossFit individual Event 4 - 10th Inning

4 Ring MU


12 Power Snatch (95/65)

Legends Event 2

Hurdle Run

Rope Climb

Sandbag Lift

Strongman Event 4 - Max Rep Log Lift

Max Rep Log Lift

In 90 Seconds

CrossFit individual Event 5 - The Duel III

Over Under Over Log

3 Sandbag to Teeter

Bracket Style

Strongman Event 5 - The Duel

Sandbag Medley

CrossFit Individual Event 6 - Max Deadlift

1 RM Deadlift
@zhivko I can't get too technical without possibly getting roasted on here, but OH grip means you'll have symmetry with the position of your lats/shoulders on the pull. Mixed grip is good for stabilizing or gripping the bar, specially if your grip strength is lacking. I try to keep everything OH hook grip as much as possible, but wouldn't be able to move the bar for my pathetic 1RM dead without mixed grip
@giftsigns I know damn that's impressive, especially Laura and Alex their technique stayed steady.

I wish the format had been different maybe just bigger jumps, also just a lot of high % lifts for the athletes.
@giftsigns I agree. Perhaps bigger incremental jumps too? Idk, they were at 16 dead lift attempts before Gazan won, and at what point is the cost benefit analysis of taxing the shit our of your posterior chain to get some points worth it? Lol
@rodm89 Or powerlifting style.
3 lifts and 1st - 3rd attempts
Or weightlifting style with just increasing bar weight and some mind games with the jumps.