Rogue Invitational - final day

@giftsigns I have a soft spot for Chandler Smith. He seems like a cool and goofy dude. He is strong and you can see that, But man his technique is painful to watch 😅
@dawn16 He was stationed in my area several years ago. He is a very nice person and would talk to anyone. This was around the time he lost part of his finger. I believe he was full active duty while prepping for the games, but you might check me on that.
@mesch Between the Games not showing the ceremony and this what’s going on with these broadcast decisions? CrossFit as a sport wouldn’t be where it is today if it wasn’t for the internet and to deny fans of closure to these events is just poor judgment.
@mesch I’m kind of sick of the poor coverage. They (and Strongman) deserve quality coverage. It’s not like they can’t afford it. There’s always no attention to detail and technical difficulties running rampant.