Routine and Goal Advice


New member
I am currently 5'10 210 pounds I would consider myself quite athletic (wrestler and football player). I have some questions about how to obtain my goals and critique my routine.

-Obtain an Aesthetic V-Taper physique.

-Try to lose a good amount of weight as soon as possible.

-Have a clean diet that is easy to prepare.
Current Status:

• 5'10 210 pounds

-Access to a good gym

-Currently doing a Arnold x PPL split

-Unhealthy diet (lots of processed foods)

• What is the best split that you guys have used that is efficient in losing weight and obtaining my goal physique.

• What much cardio should I do and how often?

• What diet have you guys used to lose weight that is easy to prepare?

• How much time would it take to achieve my goals? (I'm aware it will take a lot of time to achieve)

• Any further advice to advance my situation or anything that I should know?

-Should I do heavy weights or lower weight more reps?

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