S&S Testing Quick Q


New member
Hey folks,

Not sure if I missed something in S&S or what, but I'm looking to test out of 24kg at the moment to move up. Apart from actually doing the exercises with proper form in the time requirements specified, are there other factors needed to pass the test?

Should it be "easy"? Or does proper form really just say it all even though the level of exerted effort is higher and I'll probably not be passing the talk test after 100 swings?
@madrienne Talk test is for regular sessions, not for the test day. Basically it should be easy in the sense that when you master the bell, you should be able to pass the time test any day (not every day).
@madrienne Meaning that you've really mastered the bell once you can pass the test on even a bad day. Without psyche up or tapering or special meals or a week of celibacy.

Meaning you are overthinking. Just do it. :)