@heartofberries I grew up in West Africa & attended a boarding school. The school year was set up into 3 terms, split into 2 half terms. Each half-term you played X sport for 6 weeks + general PE (running, stretching & bodyweight callisthenics) 2x a week.
Unless you had a medical condition to exempt you from sports, you
had to participate. You couldn’t NOT participate or hide in the dorms (
a prefect or house mistress would come find you).
With playing each sport for 6 weeks, you had a chance to improve (
if so inclined) but it was also short enough that you could muddle through the 6 weeks & rely on better players to lead the games.
I remember I’d love playing rounders or football one half-term & loathe playing basketball or volleyball (
I’m short) the next half-term. I’m still rubbish at basketball but I’m decent at football 20yrs later.
The 6 weeks culminated in inter-house matches at the end of half-term. House A competes against House B for bragging rights etc. Does anyone remember the Mallory Towers or St. Clare’s books!? My school clearly took cues from those books :-b
It’s been eye-opening reading about how 1 push-up or a 1 mile run is a goal for adults. Obviously form/time may have been poor, but most people at my secondary school could still do at least 1 of each.
There was no standardised testing but sports was a subject in report cards & you were graded for how well you performed overall each term. At the same time it wasn’t an “important grade”. You wouldn’t be held back or anything based on it.