Shoulder rotator Pain


New member
When i started lifting I always tried doing the most weight i could’ve done and because of that i tried to do 30lbs on shoulder press and my right shoulder just gave out and bent backwards i luckily dropped the weight fast but i had the pain for a few days and it left. Now i can comfortably do 40lb shoulder press but ever since that day i always experienced pain in my shoulder when doing presses and espcially when doing lateral raises. Everyday tasks like shaking a bottle also cause this pain l. Does anyone know what it is or if i should just rest my shoulder? i want to know how serious this injury is as it’s been persistent for about 4 months now
@hehasrisen I'm no doctor or physical therapist, but I am a certified personal trainer. Sounds like you could have strained the muscles of the rotator cuff or even the delt itself. Could also be the bicep tendon giving you an issue. First of all, lighten the load on your overhead press and delt raise movements or discontinue them until you start to find some relief. Second, if the muscle is overactive, you could benefit from massage therapy or some self-myofascial release. Try to use a massage ball or a theracane tool on the areas you feel discomfort. These techniques will usually help you gain mobility back and lessen or eliminate the pain you experience while lifting or just completing simple tasks.💪
@pinter my biceps are perfectly fine when doing curls. I have been resting it for the past few days and am seeing a doctor on monday. Thanks for the advice i will definitely be using some of ur recommendations