Slow but successful recomp progress! F/40/5'0" [51.5>51kg] 7 months

@inneed87 That's so nice that your calories are that high! I might be more sedentary between work outs, which would account for the difference. I could be eating more during lift days, but when I was tracking (before and during using the spreadsheet) my weight definitely started creeping up if I consistently ate above 1600 on average.

What would you say was the most difficult adjustment?

Definitely definitely getting myself to the gym on a consistent basis. I work out alone, so it's all down to me and my commitment to myself. Luckily, I enjoy lifting more than any other exercise I've done in the past. Though yoga is a close 2nd.

Also, quitting snacking and curbing my sweet tooth have been really difficult. I breastfed both my kids for 1.5 years each, so I got really used to snacking, and kept doing it long after I no longer had the calorie leeway.
@pamray62 Thanks!! Also after I wrote that I realized that body fat % also plays a factor in calorie intake, don't be surprised when you build more muscle and your intake increases too.

Great progress, and again thanks for sharing!
@inneed87 Do you mean that having a high body fat % means you have a lower tdee? According to the tdee spreadsheet, based on my measurements my bodyfat percentage is about 27%, which seems high.
@pamray62 27% is a healthy body fat percentage for women. Maintaining bf% in the low 20s is difficult without an extremely fit lifestyle, and below 20% is really difficult and unsustainable for most women. Plus the only accurate way to measure body fat is with a body comp scan like DEXA; calipers and other external measurements are not really going to give you an accurate number.

All that to say, 27% is not high, you're at a great place and with recomping it'll only get better!
@pamray62 That's what a recomp is, you are changing the composition of your body to more muscle/less fat without changing body weight. You will definitely get there with your rate of progress.
@inneed87 I really appreciate your encouraging words. It's hard to get out of the mindset of needing to see the scale move. But I like how strong I feel, and that I'm not feeling hungry or deprived.
@pamray62 Yes-great job! I would definitely recommend a personal trainer to help with form. I wanted to be able to continue weight-training well into old age so it's so important to nail down form.
@imrussell50 Thanks! I had a free session with a trainer at my gym and she was really helpful when I first started out. I'll definitely be seeing if she's free again after the summer holidays.