Small waist

@schubert YOu can't really, you need to lose body fat, this is the hardest part of natural body building, getting and maintaining a low body fat without fucking up your endocrine system
@dawn16 Tell me about it. Not to mention all the water, creatine and protein we have to consume. I’m currently cutting, going to the gym is becoming a bit dreadful. I can still lift as much as I used to, but with a little more effort
@schubert Well i train at home, 30 minute sessions, body parts on a certain exercise once per week with 12-20 sets each No creatine or powder, i eels its nostly pointless. I spend my mobey on red meat which has both.

It manageable but ither things in life obviously take iver fairly easily.
@schubert Cardio.

No amount of lifting weights will make your waist smaller, apart from making everything else bigger so that your waist APPEARS smaller.

You don't have to do cardio to get a smaller waist, but you need a calorie deficit.
@schubert I am by no means at all a human specimen but I don’t get the “don’t train obliques” stuff. I run around 15% bf generally and really think my obliques (which I hit pretty hard) contribute a lot to my midsection aesthetics and create distinctive lines around the pudge on my sides.

Anyway big shoulders and lats with low bf is the answer. Low bf really being the main answer.
@schubert for fat part u always can loose weight, for muscles there is nothing like working muscle for make it thinner but worry too much u can skip work on your obliques.

but main point is loosing weight and train v taper muscles
@schubert Eh, the width of hip bones will dictate how small your waist can get. Fat and muscle go out from there. Unless you are fat or really train your obliques, the size of your waist is pretty static (relatively speaking).
@schubert As many people have said below, you can't change your bony structure and musculature insertions. That being said, we can alter the size of our muscles to give the appearance of a more narrow waist.

Up top, bigger delta (especially lateral delta), chest, and traps will give you more size up top. Below, bigger quads especially will help. This will help build your "X" frame, making the waist appear more narrow.