so i’m 25m 6’1 220. i wanna go down to 200/180 range


New member
I lift weights 1-2 hours 5-6 days a week. so should i be consuming 180g of protein a day? it just feels like so much lol. with my current diet i eat in a calorie deficit anyway without even trying. broke people vibes lol. I normally eat 140-160g of protein so it’s not like i’m too far off. i just want to make sure i’m understanding this correctly. thanks in advance!
If you’re lifting and aiming to gain (or keep) as much lean mass as possible, 1.6-2.2g of protein per kilogram of body mass works pretty well in most contexts. If you’re on the higher end of the body-fat spectrum, you may aim for the lower boundary of this range. If you’re very lean and trying to get even leaner, you might aim for the higher boundary (or even a bit higher than 2.2g/kg). If you don’t lift regularly, then a lower range of 1.2-1.8g/kg is probably sufficient.
@dawn16 thank you. gonna save that link. it just feels like there is so much info to find and read. for a causal it gets a bit much at times.
@erin136 .8-1g per 1lb of lean mass. So using your goal weight is good, but even then, that's not your lean mass. So going off of .8 x 180, you could still go a bit under that. So 140g a day is plenty
@dinafrancis gotcha. the only times i’ve hit 160 anytime recently was actually on accident. i literally forgot i at lunch and ate a second lunch 😂 i’m trying to be more aware of my food tho