So many women want to lift weights without getting bulky, but how many of us here *do* want to lift weights and get bigger?

@biblicalquality Totally! I'm not sure I want to be "ripped" because I don't think I want to maintain that low a body fat percentage, but I do want bigger arms. I think of it like, some people are built like elves or fae, all long limbs and willowy. And that's awesome for them. But I'm built like a hobbit, and trying to make myself look like something I'm not made to be will only result in misery. And hobbits are pretty cool in their own right.
@biblicalquality Me! I've always been very skinny and weak, so I want to gain more muscle and have a nice healthy layer of fat (so I don't look too veiny). I'm not used to having to eat so much.
@biblicalquality I don't have a goal body. I just want to be as strong as possible, which means getting bigger, which looks like this sometimes. I just want to look like me, and be the most athletic version of myself that I can be. I want to keep my bodyfat levels at a healthy level where fat storage and insulin isn't a hazard to my health, and my body is small enough that I can move quickly, without too much excess weight holding me back. But I want it to be big enough that I can move big heavy stuff, that I have inertia on the track when I play derby.

Since I powerlift competitively, that has me thinking in weight classes. So for me, I think that means that I am camping out in the 165 lb class. I don't think that I have the muscle mass to support a 180 lb body without too much fat slowing me down on the track. And the dietary things that I'd need to do to consistently weigh 148 doesn't give me enought fuel to perform well. So for now, I'm working on eating well, lifting as heavy as I can, and skating as hard as I can, so that I can continue to be a little 160 lb wrecking ball that can knock much larger women off their feet. Maybe in the future I will be a leaner wrecking ball, or maybe I'll be a softer one, but my goal has been performance and that means bigger muscles.
@biblicalquality I want to get big. So much that I can't even bring myself to cut, because I don't like being small ... I have to convince myself that I need to lose some fat to make room in my clothes for more muscles. #fatstruggles
@biblicalquality I think part of the issue here is that different women have different ideas of "bulky"... I didn't set out to become huge, but I do tailor my diet and my workouts to gaining strength and power. Lots of people probably think I'm "bulky" or "too muscular" but I don't. At the same time, I'm not trying precisely to get big, I want to get strong and have nice muscles, basically I just want to look llike I can do what I can do.
@biblicalquality I want to get bigger! Muscles would be lovely. It takes my body a while to show progress. But I have been working on it! My thighs feel great! If only my arms would show the same results!

My motivation: I'm a 5'2" Asian female and I am realllllllyyyyy sick of people making judgments about my size and saying things like, "oh, you're so small."

Flashback to last weekend. We met a friend of a friend's girlfriend. And all weekend, she kept reminding me, "oh, it's because you're so small that blah blah.." or even, "oh, it's because you're so small, you're going to have a difficult birth"

...what? ಠ_ಠ

Gimme muscleeeee!!! Rock those gains!
@aray92 I'm with you here! I want to be described by something other than "tiny." Keep at it though, I'm starting to see progress (especially in my arms), and random people who are not my husband and best friends are commenting on it. :)
@dawn16 Holy shit! Damn I want that body! I've been lifting for like a year with super tiny gains I don't think I'll ever be able to look like that. Do genetics have a lot into play in this? Cause I've been super lean my whole life and everyone in my family is very tall/ lean. I want muscle!!!! Augh... Sorry for ranting lol...
@biblicalquality Me too and the struggle is even more real at 47 years old !! Anyone know of the best programming to get our goals ? I'm sure everyone discussing this thread would welcome some shared advice !!