@biblicalquality I don't have a goal body. I just want to be as strong as possible, which means getting bigger, which
looks like this sometimes. I just want to look like me, and be the most athletic version of myself that I can be. I want to keep my bodyfat levels at a healthy level where fat storage and insulin isn't a hazard to my health, and my body is small enough that I can move quickly, without too much excess weight holding me back. But I want it to be big enough that I can move big heavy stuff, that I have inertia on the track when I play derby.
Since I powerlift competitively, that has me thinking in weight classes. So for me, I think that means that I am camping out in the 165 lb class. I don't think that I have the muscle mass to support a 180 lb body without too much fat slowing me down on the track. And the dietary things that I'd need to do to consistently weigh 148 doesn't give me enought fuel to perform well. So for now, I'm working on eating well, lifting as heavy as I can, and skating as hard as I can, so that I can continue to be a little 160 lb wrecking ball that can knock much larger women off their feet. Maybe in the future I will be a leaner wrecking ball, or maybe I'll be a softer one, but my goal has been performance and that means bigger muscles.