@rohan Here is my
starting story. That was written back in the summer/fall of 2015. Just starting was mostly my breakthrough, that and sticking with it. I was always athletic and could work out and eat well for a short period of time. But I would always get bored and fall off the wagon.
Once I was doing crossfit, I really no longer got bored with working out. There was always something more to accomplish whether it was a first pull up, then 5 pull ups, then HSPIS, then bar muscle up, then ring MU. There is always something to work towards. This has kept me in the gym and being in the gym everyday(well most days) has made me want to keep eating well, because eating well and losing the weight will make my "gym goals" easier to reach.
So really consistency was my real breakthrough. I could have gotten to a similar place lifestyle and weight wise with other means of fitness, if I could stick with it for as long as I did with crossfit.
As far as diet, I am far from perfect. But I try and be really good about 90% of the time, this means every meal is about 4-8oz of meat and 2-3 cups of vegetables with some healthy snacks in between(almonds or fruit). I still enjoy the 10%, a couple of cheat meals like pizza and burgers on the weekends. That 10% and not being too strict everyday (I have bbq or cheese with my meats) have kept me from burning out on my diet. I try to stay under 2500 calories a day when I'm not cheating. Its not a huge cut with the cheating, but it is enough to keep me from falling off the wagon and still kill off 1-2 pounds a week. I have found that slower is better and more sustainable.
Just remember this journey is not a sprint, its a marathon. It takes a long time to get people to the lifestyle and size they are, and it takes a long time to get back to a better place.
Sorry for how long this got. If you have any more questions or just want to chat about things for advice/motivation/inspiration, feel free to send me a message.