Started CrossFit about 4 months ago. Yesterday I 3 rep maxed 305 on my deadlift, pretty proud of myself and thought I’d share


New member
Total surprise to me. My previous one rep max was 250, no clue how I did it, but I’m finally starting to not feel like the out of shape, weak old guy.

I honestly just want to feel good and kinda didn’t care much about weight, but honestly I was genuinely proud of myself. Really glad I found the gym I am at.
@robert244 That’s awesome. No idea where you started or how old or anything but that seems great to me. I’ve been doing it for about 1.5 years now and my 1rep max on deadlift is only 305. I started at the age of 33 and had never lifted a weight in my life and was super skinny. Keep up the good work and keep making those gains!
@robert244 Yes! 100% true. You just fall in love with the weight after a while.

I didn't care about the weightlifting part at all, I actually didn't like the barbell. But you get better and you just naturally start liking it.

Keep up the good work!
@robert244 Congrats! A big part of beginner gains isn't just gaining strength, but gaining confidence and comfort and understanding that physically demanding doesn't mean impossible. Keep getting after it!
@saverio Just to not rush things. I’ve injured myself in the past trying to do too much too soon. I want to continue to refine my form and get that as dialed in as I can. Strict Pull ups are still challenging for me, so I would love to hit ten. Work on my kipping also.
@robert244 Nice. 4 months in myself. Seeing gains more lately. I'm not a big weight person as I had a back injury once that left me very careful, but my pullups have gone from 0 to 3 and I can do 24 and 30" box jumps. Any gain is a win.