Started Walking - What’s Next?


New member
I (F, mid 40s) am in terrible shape. Extremely sedentary lifestyle with very demanding office job that has me sitting for long days, and then exhausted in the evenings. Have 3 school age kids, and when not working they suck up most of the rest of my time.

Would like to improve fitness for overall health, and to be able to enjoy things like bike rides and easy hikes with my kids. As a younger person I was a really good skier, and would love to be able to do that again (right now, my legs just aren’t strong enough to enjoy full mountain runs and it’s so depressing).

I am 17 pounds into a weight loss journey, but still very heavy at 235 pounds and 5’7”. I am working hard to commit to brisk, sweaty 30 minute walk 5 days a week. That’s where I started and I am feeling good about that so far.

So my question is - what to add next? Like, if there is just one additional simple thing to layer on next, what would it be? I don’t have a gym membership, and won’t get one (hate them, and feel way too self conscious). I have a good comfortable space on my basement where I could work out. I have basic dumbbells in 3, 5, 8, 10 and 12 pounds. I have kettlebells in 15, 20 and 30 pounds. I also obviously have my own body weight too (lots of that to work with!). I have a good treadmill, and live in a two story home so could use those stairs as well. I live in a very northern climate where outdoor activity (such as bike riding) isn’t practical for 6 months of the year.

So wise people - please help. I hate exercise (like seriously hate all of it and every minute of it - it’s just who I am) but really want to get healthier and have better active time with my kids. I don’t want to go from zero to 100 here and train to be an Olympic athlete with 2% body fat. I don’t care about that stuff. I feel like slowly layering in very simple things over time is my best bet, to try to get some decent level of overall fitness. So now that I am walking and starting to lose weight - what is the next step you think is best?
@pell You don’t hate exercise, you’re just bad at it, like all beginners. I hate running when I start because it’s so HARD. But like anything, you keep doing it and it becomes easier. The key is to make it a routine. Do a 15 min dumbbell YouTube workout every other day for two weeks. Then look for a 30 min video. Etc.

Keep going, you can do this. You’ve just got to make a start, and then repeat it
@dawn16 I look on YouTube and feel overwhelmed and don’t know what is decent. And recommendations you think are good for 15 minute dumbbell workouts?
@pell Honestly just pick one and do that for a bit. Don’t overthink it, you’re just starting out, the important thing right now is to just do something. Try YouTubing “beginner dumbbell workout” and pick a shorter one to do after your walking.
@pell I recommend you to try growwithjo on YouTube. She has tons of cardio videos, walking, dancing, and playlists ranging from beginner to advanced. My favorite playlist is “10 minute workouts” for when you’re busy. You can do all in a relatively small place. Good luck on your fitness journey!
@pell Short answer:
Start drinking only water. If you desperately need coffee, drink it without sugar.

Long answer:
Most of weight loss comes from your diet. Moving is super duper important, especially if you didn't do a lot of it and walking is a perfect way to start moving.


Majority of weight management still comes from managing what you eat and drink.

It's hard to say more given that we know nothing about your life, but cutting out sugary drinks (including sweetened coffee, juices, beer) is always a big step. It's also something that is simple to implement and costs no time or effort once it becomes a habit.

You're more than halfway there. First steps are the hardest. You're doing so well! We're all so proud of you.
@laurie975 Thanks. I am definitely working on diet, and don’t have an issue with drinking sugary drinks, and rarely drink alcohol. I definitely believe that the vast majority of weight loss comes from diet changes, and not exercise. But I do want to improve my fitness level as well, as opposed to only thinking about weight loss.

So, on this board, I’m looking for fitness advice, as opposed to diet/food/nutrition suggestions. Thanks!
@pell Unlikely Hikers is a cool IG account for folks of all shapes and sizes. I find group exercise helps me stay motivated as I feel accountable to others besides myself.
@pell Sounds like you are on the right track just stick to your goals and keep going. Jump rope and treadmill jogging is good stuff.

If your interested in body weight stuff -

CaliMove -

Cali move home workout no equipment -

I think as you do it longer and more you will see something pique your interest to add in. It’ll come to you. Goodluck!
@pell I dont know if it helps but bite sized and mini snacks like hershey kisses, mini starburts and milky ways, i incorporate them in and it really helps with keeping me from eating a donut or cake when someone offers it during breakfast
@pell I'm in the same boat as you! I've found that low impact exercises are great. Yoga, Pilates, squats, leg raises, and other floor exercises have been good so far. I've been doing prenatal exercises since they accommodate a large tummy. Modify exercises if you need to such as doing push ups from your knees.

Building muscle burns fat, so I've been working on a target area on a schedule, for example arms on Monday, abs on Tues, stretching on Wednesday, glutes and thighs on Thursday, full body Friday, and Saturday is another stretch and rest day.

Swimming is good cardio that is gentle on your body. During your walks you could start adding 30 seconds of jogging every 5 minutes and build from there. A fitness journal is a great way to set and meet your goals if that sounds like something that would help.
@thelilyrosa1981 I love my fitness journal I use Day One App on the phone and take pictures of me, my food, my workout stats, I call is Back to Health and it's all things health and wellness. I keep a fun one and a Dreams one too - but just started that this year (digital) and I am really benefiting from it - a month and a half in. I tried it before the new year to see if I would utilize it. I also keep a moleskin old fashioned pen and paper for stats / weekly totals / monthly totals as the months change.
@pell Not sure if you have a stand up desk, but I love using my balance board at my stand up desk to get me using my core while working! I can send you the one I have if you’re interested.