Sterling K. Brown Suggested Workout


New member
  1. 50 Jumping Jacks
  2. 40 Squats
  3. 30 Pushups
  4. 20 Butt Ups
  5. 10 Burpees
  6. 10 Pull-ups
x3 times

Hi, new here.
Like many posts I’ve seen here, I’m also a dad and we’re about to have our second child.
I want to replace my current workout, which isn’t flexible enough and takes me too much time, and wanted to hear opinions about this one.
I did it in the past, it took me about 40 minutes I think.
I’m considering doing it twice a week, or maybe this one and another one.
I’m interested in working on (mostly maintaining) full body strength and muscle, some cardio, but mostly short workouts that are easy to persist and integrate in a very busy life.
I’ve also considered Busy Dad Training, really liked the minimal direct approach, but still a bit skeptic.
It’s also worth mentioning that my knees are not 100%, if I’ll go with Sterling’s workout I’ll probably won’t jump in the burpees, but more like in BDT.
@italianstallion It looks pretty good. I would add a horizontal pull like Rows or Ring T’s and Y’s. Maybe even replace the pushups with them since you’re already doing burpees (6 count includes a pushup). Adjust quantities by ability…ie maybe start off a little less reps each time through.

Obligatory- have you checked out the RR?
@swae Thanks for the advice!
Yea I checked the RR, clearly you can see a lot of effort was put into this, top quality stuff. But it’s too long for me, I’m looking for something simpler and quicker.
strength and muscle

yeah, no, this is a circuit and it's pure cardio.

If you have 1 or 2 kettlebells you can do Armour Building Complex, I'm currently doing it with a barbell actually.

there are plenty short strength routines out there, but they don't contain 6 exercises, bc then the only way of making that "short" is to compress rest time and turn it into cardio instead of strength training.

so supersets or straight sets of 2 exercises: Hip hinge + push. Squat + pull

you can get done in 15 20 min and get a proper strength training stimulus certainly good enough for maintaining