Steroid Users Forever Have an Advantage

@valerie22 I can’t remember the specifics on him and I don’t know all the different types of drugs. I think the only way to truly be fair would be lifetime bans for people who pop…but there aren’t many pros out there so that could really hurt the sport. I don’t have a good answer outside letting everyone take whatever they want, that’s the only way I can see for things to be out in the open and pure.
@st333333 So all the gains go away once you quit? No long-lasting effects?

While SARMs are not the same as anabolic steroids, I don’t think that’s the case. There’s several studies that suggest you for sure lose some gains after a cycle, but not all.
@valerie22 Yeah I’ll always be suspicious of who’s using and who isn’t, just because the testing protocols are so much more lax in CF (due to cost of course) then other sports. That muscle mass isn’t going away, neither are the neural pathways that are traced lifting heavy, so much of it’s permanent.
@bgunk Yup. I've made my Damned mind up. I think the government puts fear into people saying they are bad. When in all actuality they aren't, if used responsibly. They don't want us average citizens stronger than there woke ass military.