Stuck on 7 pull-ups forever

@childofgod49 Gonna sound weird but I was struggling to get to ten, then I took time off to heal up my shoulder that I messed up. Next try I did 12, and I can do 10 consistently in one set now. The catch is I only do this twice a week or so now, that’s it. I think I was overtraining and not resting enough. Also not getting enough protein, possibly. Not enough recovery. I’m learning a lot about this concept of deloading in these comments, so thanks for asking this question. But maybe you need a break to recover and get stronger.
@childofgod49 I think maybe everyone is a little different in how their body responds. I always feel like a slacker not doing more and more reps or whatever. But sometimes it’s good to just take a break, listen to your body, and rest. Kind of a mental game too isn’t it? I’m just here to learn and try stuff like you. Seems like a reasonable recovery period isn’t a bad idea, then come back stronger.
Hey guys what do u think about this program:

2x a week

Pull-ups / Chinups: 5x5 bw ( Add weight if I complete 5x5)

Cable rows- 3x10-12

Db curls- 3 x 10-12

Hammer curls- 2x 10-12
@childofgod49 I'm going to say this... put on a backpack with some weight in it(or a dumbbell between your feet, or a belt with a 5lb plate), and do less reps. 3-5. If you can do 5 reps, add a little weight for the next workout. Do this for 4 weeks. Then..take the backpack off and see what you can do.
@childofgod49 Easiest way for me to break through a pullup plateau was to switch to weighted pull ups. If you don't have equipment for it, just use a backpack with heavy stuff in it (fill up water bottles and put them inside, etc.).

For me, progressive overload via weight/load increases seems more effective than trying to just increase the number of reps.