Stuck in a rut


New member
Decided back in June enough was enough and I needed to start looking after myself. I’d allowed myself to balloon to 24 stone 10lb (346lb) I set off with going the gym and eating in a calorie deficit.

Within 6 weeks I’d lost 1 stone 2lb (16lb) I noticed I was losing inches and gaining muscle. Clothes were looser and I had more energy. Since then I have stayed at that weight, and whilst I still get the odd compliment and I feel great for going the gym the weight isn’t moving and I still have a quite a sizeable gut. I’d hoped by now given my start weight I’d have lost at least 2 stone (28lb) if not more. Is my diet perfect? No, I still enjoy a takeaway once a week and I won’t deny myself a slice of cake if it’s someone’s birthday.

In terms of workout I do very little cardio, I just don’t enjoy it plus my knees and ankles and in a bad way, I mainly do weights focusing on one or two body parts per session.

So where am I going wrong? How do I get the weight shifting? I surely can’t have plateaud given I’m still well over 300lb!

Any advice welcome!
@bw1 Well if you want to become a skinny person, you need to eat like one. I eat less than 2000, if my math is correct. So you should probably aim for something like 1900 and see if the scale starts moving
@bw1 If you are sure that's the right amount then that looks like you should be in a reasonable deficit.

I would still make sure to count everything that you eat. Especially when it comes to snacks. You would be suprised how many calories they can make up.
@bw1 Your a little murky with your eating habits. Remember, you are only fooling yourself. Keep track of everything you eat- that includes the butter in the pan with the butter eggs or condiments on the sandwich. Track every calorie with one of the apps.

You need some cardio. If you are (rightly) worried about your knees and ankles get on the elliptical.

God speed brother
@bw1 Sounds like you need to go a little harder than you are currently going. Fine tune your dieting and if you are only 6 weeks in you definitely have high expectations for such a short time. Add that cardio, maybe an elliptical to help with the knee issue and see what 6 months get you.
@bw1 you might find more solid answers and relatability at r/loseit
but theyll all start with more hard questions about your diet and your calorie counting accuracy as well. bc at the end of the day thats all it is

r/volumeeating is also helpful.

exercise is helpful too but its only fraction of what leads to a healthy lifestyle.

remember, we can all be provided with all the information and education in the world but at the end of the day only we can hold ourselves accountable

good luck
@bw1 Id say try and eat well balanced, i dont eat the best but i make sure i eat fruits and veggies and stuff everyday, I honestly havent been losing or gaining weight but my body has firmed up a significant amount
@bw1 If you don't enjoy cardio, make it enjoyable. Listen to audio books, watch series, play games, etc. If it's a light cardio like walking you can pair it with other activities quite easily.

Then, the first few kilos drop the easiest. After that it becomes a drag, but just keep working out, watching your diet and it will come off. Besides, water weight can fluctuate quite a lot, especially from intense/new exercise. So that's another reason why it could look like you're not losing weight.