I’m stuck on my average run time and I don’t know what to do

@hightechredneck Track your heart rate, not your pace right now. Look up cardio zones. You want to be practicing in zone 2 which puts your heart rate in the 120-130ish beats per minute. If that requires some walking that is fine. Get faster here and when it is time to push yourself see yourself kick ass in the higher zones.

A lot of people are telling you to slow down which is true but this will give you something the actually pay attention to.
@hightechredneck Unless you’re training for a race, you shouldn’t be too concerned about your pace. It’s really great that you’re out running at all, and 10:25 is a respectable pace. As your cardiovascular fitness improves, your pace might also improve, so just give it some time and don’t try to compare yourself to others.