Suggestions on where I can go from here. How can I improve my workout?


New member
24 female, 5”7, right now I’m 148ish, started at 195 last June

I’m kinda new to all this. This is the first time Ive consistently worked out in my entire life (aside from running around as a kid). I’ve been in a 1300 cal defecit (somewhere between 1200-1300) for about a year. I eat good whole foods and limit processed stuff as much as I can. Lost almost 50 lbs but I’m starting to plateau now and feel stuck.

I’m working out everyday (usually 45 min cardio where I alternate between light run and walking (3.0 speed walk, 5.5 run, so I do like 8 min of jog, rest walk. 1 min run/jog, 4 min reg walk, repeat). I want to incorporate strength training as my goal is to loose fat but build muscle. So far I’ve only been loosing fat, maybe building a little muscle. (I do some weights but wish I did more)

I’m worried that if I change what I’m doing, I won’t loose weight the way I have been. But I’m starting to feel burnt out and stuck cause I’m seeing way less progress than I did months ago. Right now I don’t have any rest days and am doing the cardio everyday and also trying to fit in weights (having a hard time).

I’m just wondering if there’s a better way to go about achieving my goals (body recomp, loosing fat and building muscle). I’m have a decently fast metabolism (thank you genetics) but I’m also on bc and I can’t get off that (medical condition requires it). I kind of feel like I’m burning the candle at both ends and don’t know where to go from here. Any advice is much appreciated.

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