Super busy and don’t have time to work out. Suggestions?

@anonymous18 "or everyone would be already doing it" such a nonsense answer. There are workouts that are longer and some smallers.

Some people work 12h a day and make X.
Some people work 4h a day and make 10X.
@cflowers87 And you think making money straight up applies to building muscle, as well? You still need to put in the work to build muscle and get bigger, no way around it. Make room for working out, pick one of the proven beginner routines found in the wiki linked by the bot, and get lifting
@cflowers87 Do mini workouts throughout the day. Waiting for a microwave or water to boil? Drop and do 10 burpees (jump, then drop down to pushup position, do a pushup, then hop back to your feet, jump, drop down, pushup, up, jump). Try and hold planks for as long as you can anytime you have a couple mins. Work up to 1 minute holds in forearm plank on your front and on both sides (on one arm, facing sideways). Waiting for an uber? Do 100 jumping jacks. You can do dips off of the side of your bed or couch. Sprinkle in little one minute excercises throughout your day and it will add up! Waiting in line somewhere? Start doing lunges.. why not?
@cflowers87 Workout at home if it is less travel time than a gym. It also means less time getting ready as you don’t care what you’re wearing.

I read somewhere it’s more effective to do 3 x 10 min workouts than 1 x 30. Not sure on the facts, but in my opinion movement is good wherever you squeeze it in.

Assuming you do desk work. Get a standing desk and a walking pad. Or if sitting a foot pedal under desk bike thing.

Coffee break. Stick it in a thermal and take a 10 min walk.

Buy some weights and do 10 mins a day during lunch.

Meal prep to make more time on other days.

I do things like everytime I complete a job at work I do a squat. Get in like 50 squats a day. Mix it up.

If you want to see real progress in my opinion you need to make time. Gain time from meal prep. If you have calls that just require listening and not much else. Listen in whilst exercising. Meal prep for me is key to make time. Get up a little earlier. Put out your workout clothes and have the workout set up for when you wake up. Wear ankle and wrist weights just for day-to-day activity.
@cflowers87 YouTube video workouts are super helpful when you are strapped on time. So many videos and workouts to choose from. And they are free 🎉 I like kickboxing workout videos or low impact HIIT. Saves time not having to drive to a gym as well.

It may not be hour long workouts but quickly opening YouTube and getting a quick 10-30 minute workout does help/add up. Hope this helps :)
@cflowers87 You’ll never get more hours in a day. You’ll have to prioritize working out and either wake up earlier, go to bed later or substitute it for something else. It’s about how you use the time you have.
@cflowers87 you can fit in “exercise snacks” where you do exercise of your choice 5-15 minutes several times per day. squeeze them in here and there, you don’t have to do it all in one go!
@cflowers87 There are more efficient ways to work out than others. For example, HIIT is more efficient for weight loss than long distance running.

I’d also recommend eating more naturally (whole fruits, vegetables, meats) as this is an easy change you can make that doesn’t take much time and will give you results.

I saw a Facebook Ad for a fitness program for coders:

Maybe this can help you too.
@cflowers87 I got a VR headset (quest 3) for fitness and it’s been super easy for me to fit it in after work or even during my workday. No other equipment or commute required. You can pick it up and do 20 mins and get back to coding. Downside is, I’m enjoying it so much I don’t want to stop!
@cflowers87 A standing desk with a walking treadmill might be a good idea while you're working. Aim to get 10k steps in a day. If you are heavier, you'll burn decent calories doing this.
@cflowers87 I have pull-ups bar at home, i try hanging 30 seconds set 3-4 times in morning.
I do inclined pushups on kitchen counter when milk is boiling
I do some squats while waiting for geyser to heat water
You can do anything anywhere if you pick calisthenics. This is something I've been doing for last 1 yr. I didn't gain weight. My diet is normal.
@cflowers87 Congratulations on commiting to work out!

Planks have worked for me. Just about 5 minutes of planking are very effective I think.
Key was to start slow and keep going.

We also push each other and share ideas on our blog

Reach out if needed, will ensure that we both have a long workout streak :)

Wishing you the very best for your fitness journey!