Summer Cut: 5'3/140--130 Ladies Group Chat

@twinmama 29/5’3”/142 lbs. “ideal” weight is 125 lbs, but I am shooting for a super slow, sustainable cut because I like food. I aim to workout 5 days a week, usually it’s a mix of running and lifting. I just signed up for a 10k in May so I’ll be more focused on running, though.
@dawn16 yep. I have a bunch of weight to lose. There are weeks when I only lose .8 of a pound. I am surprisingly okay with it, because I am totally unwilling to give up my cheat day on Sunday. I don't go crazy but I have things like candy and sometimes bread.
@transparency A loss is a loss, even if it’s .8 of a lb. That was my mentality too when I lost 40ish lbs 7 years ago. I was careful and mindful but still ate foods I enjoyed. I’ve gotta start thinking like that again because over the last few years it’s turned from “treat yoself once in awhile in moderate amounts” to “YOLO” like every night when I get home and eat a bunch of crap.
@dawn16 This is me. Slow and steady is going to have to do it, food means too much to me. I mix running and lifting right now too (have a 10k next week and a half next month) and my only problem is trying to balance my macros.
@twinmama 26/5'5/118 lbs

Cutting to 115 lbs.

Vegan and aiming to get in 1700 calories a day (60C/20F/20P)

Lift 1.5 hours a day before work at 4:30am.

Having trouble losing the last few pounds because my calories are so low I feel the urge to majorly overeat at a weekly basis. Not good for the progress.
@twinmama 24/5’3”/125 Started off at 135 last summer and now I’ve stopped focusing on the number so much as aesthetics. I had a bod pod session about a month ago that put me at about 26% body fat so I’m trying to lower that while building muscle.
TDEE is about 1900 kcal so I’ve been trying to eat about 1650 a day while making sure I’m getting a good amount of protein.
I typically lift 4 or 5 times a week and have one long (15-20miles) hike day per week. I’ve ran StrongLifts for a while, but just a couple of weeks ago started nSuns which I really like for the variety of lifts! I’m thinking of getting into bouldering too and incorporating it somehow, but I’m still figuring that out!
@twinmama 22/5’3”/133-135

I’ve been cutting for over a year at various caloric goals but have had weeks of not tracking/various things happen where I exercise less or eat more sometimes, so it’s not like it’s been a year of straight cutting.

I’ve been at 1300 for a few months now but without counting at all on weekends, and I’ve been basically maintaining, while lifting 3x a week.

As of last week I am lifting 2x a weeks and going to Muay Thai 2x a week. Hoping to get my weekends more in line by just having one “cheat day” (I never eat super unhealthy or binge I just eat prob closer to 1800-2000 calories) instead of slacking Friday night-Sunday. Not super focused on the number on the scale but I think if I could get down to 130 and then go from there that’s a solid start. I’ve floated between 131-135 for a couple weeks now after stalling at 140 for a loooong time (started my cut at 160, highest I’d ever been) so now that I’ve managed to transcend the 140 plateau I’m hoping to get out of the 130s.

At a higher weight, 5lbs didn’t make much of a difference. But now I can tell when I’m 132 versus 135, so I think 128-130 will be a nice change.
@twinmama 5'7" 139ish looking to lose about 5lb of fat and maintain muscle for the warmer months.. and see where I'm at from there because I want to see if I have enough muscle while lean to do a bikini (masters though!) show sometime in the future or what I need to work on. I may never do it but I kind of like the idea of having a goal. Trying to make sure this time I have enough protein and be responsible instead of going too low and losing muscle. Eating at about 1600 cals a day though I only track up to 1400-1500 and vegetables are free for all so I'm averaging out daily vegetable intake to encourage me to eat lots. Aiming for 120-140g of protein a day, that's been the hard part as I struggle to go over 100. I hit the gym about 4 days a week sometimes 5.
@twinmama 25/5’3/137
Currently on a 1300-1450 calorie cut and lifting for an hour 5-6 times a week, running 4-5 times a week at 30-45 minutes. I started at 154 in January, but my goal is 120-125 lbs.
@twinmama Love seeing my body twins!!


Trying to cut to 130. Ive lost 30 lbs (starting weight was 166) so far though it did take me a year to do it. I eat intuitively and am plant based.

I do PPL 3x a week, HIIT 2x a week after push and pull days, and Krav Maga 4x week. I lift and do cardio to supplement Krav.
@twinmama 21/5'4/127lbs

I'm on the tail end of my cut (1500kcal) after my first bulk to 133lbs @ 22% bf.

I lift 4x week on a modified Strong Curves + 2 "active" days, usually yoga.

I don't have a hard set # to cut to, so I'll be cutting until I plateau, which hopefully will be within the next month!

Main goal: flat stomach & maintain glute strength!
@praanav Hi stat twin!! 23 / 5’4 / 127 lbs

I’m also on a modified SC where I specifically do push or pull movements with the upper body exercises that are superset with the glute workouts.

Can you share your cut diet and macros if available, and how long you’ve been doing this cut/results so far? Would love to compare my current plan! :)
@hyojyang88 Oh wow almost identical stats! This will be a really long comment but I'll detail my fitness plan.

1500cal/day, 110P/150C/50F*

*As long as I hit my protein, I don't worry about exact carbs/fat macros.

Breakfast: Coffee + English muffin + PB/cream cheese, Proats (1 scoop protein, 1/2 cup oats) (200-300cal)

Post-workout snacks/lunch: Proats, tuna + spinach, eggs, PB + celery, really any protein source (200-400cal)

Dinner: 5-6oz chicken + potatoes/rice/pasta + vegetable + cheese (400-600cal)

Post-Dinner snack: whatever hits my macros, usually something sweet like cottage cheese & chocolate!

  • I'm in college & have a lot of free time, causing me to snack during the day
  • I prefer heavier meals a night, so I leave 700-800cal for dinner & snacks
  • I refeed every 3 weeks where I eat at maintenance but the extra calories come mostly from carbs
  • Gum, celery & coffee are my best friends to combat hunger. If you have any other suggestions I'd love to hear them!
Cut: I started this 3rd cut in late January after my 1st (very lean) bulk from June-Dec 2017. My 1st cut was 1200/day and my 2nd was 1400/day, so this one feels amazing comparatively.

Honestly, I haven't seen much visual progress, but the numbers keep going down and the clothes are getting bigger so results ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I'm lackadaisical about this cut since I don't have a distinct number to stop at, but hopefully I'll be done by the beginning of April.

I'd love to hear what you're doing as well, particularly your upper-body exercises on SC! I came from PPL and I'm missing my biceps :(
@praanav Ooh this sounds awesome! I’ve always wanted to try protein powder in other things besides a smoothie so I’ll keep the oats in mind.

Diet: I recently transitioned out of keto after being on it for ~2.5 months. I was seriously impressed with how effective it was at curbing hunger, but it was too extreme to the point where I would struggle to hit 1200 calories a day (my TDEE is around 1900). So now I still do low carb, and hover around 1400 cals daily (105P, 87C, 70F) - though lately I’ve still been under my carb intake and slightly going above fats. Like you, it doesn’t bother me much as long as I hit protein!

My schedule looks something like:
- Workout in the AM before work
- Breakfast: protein smoothie (almond milk, whey protein, unsweetened cocoa powder, almond butter; 350 cals)
- Coffee at around 10am
- Lunch: turkey meatballs with some cream sauce and 1/2 cup of white rice (~420 cals)
- Midday snack: handful of almonds or string cheese (cals vary.. 200 cals on average)
- Dinner: chicken thigh with gyoza sauce and romaine lettuce salad and vinaigrette dressing (350-400 cals)

As you can see, this is barely 1400 - most of the time I don’t snack, actually (only maybe once or twice a week at work). But on weekends I like to indulge and go out drinking/restaurants, so my weekly average is probably closer to 1500-1600.

Monday: SC Workout A + Push (shoulder press, tricep cable push down, DB chest press, lateral raises)
Tuesday: SC Workout B + Pull (lat pull down, DB single arm row, face pulls, seated row)
Wednesday: Abs + HIIT (usually stairmaster)
Thursday: SC Workout C + Push
Friday: Abs + Pull + HIIT

On keto I became obsessive about tracking food, and now I still track food but more intuitively— I’m happier this way! In terms of curbing hunger, lowering carbs is what worked for me. Carbs make me want to eat more, so keeping it low controlled my carb-loving appetite and now I enjoy it in moderation... most of the time ;)

I’ve been on this schedule since the end of January and have lost 5 lbs and visually my waist and hips look smaller, which is nice. I really wanted to cut until August but I think I’m eating at too low of a deficit to make that sustainable. I’m going to work on slowly adding more calories to make it more like a 200cal deficit and not 500cal, but also don’t want to force myself to eat if I don’t want to. Just seeing how things go for now :)
@twinmama 28/5'3"/145 cutting to 125lbs or where ever I start having diminishing returns with regards to strength. Currently averaging 1600 kcal per day. I only make it to the gym four days a week, three if I get to climb so I'm doing a full-body lifting program I created. Also trying to motivate myself to get up at 4:30 to do HIIT in the mornings.

I'm off to do some cardio but I'm happy to chat!