Summer Cut: 5'3/140--130 Ladies Group Chat

@grove12345 on weekdays I pretty much am. Usually around 8:30. Some days later, some days earlier hahaha.

But the SO works second shift and I'm home alone most nights. I'd rather run before work, so it works out in it's own way.
@twinmama How are you all arriving at your goal weight? For example, what makes you decide 125 vs 120?

5'3/138 aiming for 135 for the sole reason that BMI would drop from 24-point-something to 23-point-something.

A few months ago, hovered mostly at 140. I think IF helped me drop a couple pounds, so I'm going to continue it & see if I can get away with not counting calories.

Weekly schedule is usually lift 3x, treadmill/stepper + 10 min conditioning 2x, Zumba 2x, Yoga 1x - trying to add yoga to my cardio days, but I still can't convince myself to get up early enough to fit it all in.
what makes you decide 125 vs 120?

for me, absolutely nothing other than an idea. I know with muscle gain/recomp my goal may change, but I know I have a good deal of fat around my lower half. Enough that there is more than 5lbs there, but probably not more than 20. Hence the 125-130 for me.
@twinmama 28/5’6/133

Not sure what weight I’m cutting to, going for more aesthetics. I’m doing around 1300ish calories. I weigh food but don’t account for olive oil that I cook with (never more than a Tablespoon per “batch” Of what I’m cooking). I lift heavy 5 days a week with a sedentary job. Weekends I do not track but i usually am not eating/snacking like I do during the week. I do drink beer but I account for that during the week.
@twinmama Hey it’s exactly me! 5’3”, 138, goal is 130, down from 165 last summer. Excited to join you ladies!

Edit with more info:
I’m a pescatarian, boulderer and yogi (I know, millennial stereotype right here.) I’m cutting at 1200 because I like to eat at maintenance on Fridays (aka- beer Fridays)
@twinmama Woop so great to see so many similar ladies on here. We can do this!!

More about me:

27 / 5’3 / CW: 134 GW: 125

I had a baby 4 months ago so am trying to lose some of the baby weight. So far I’ve lost about 6lbs from a moderate deficit and starting lifting (which I’m loving). I do TLS 5 day split with some variations for more bum work hehe, and I’m trying to do some HIIT 3-5 days a week. I’m aiming to eat 1800-2000 calories a day. I’m still breastfeeding so it’s working out at a deficit of 400ish calories a day.

I’d probably like to end up at less than 125, but trying to plan short term goals and just be consistent rather than trying to race to my ultimate goal! Looking forward to this!!
@twinmama 5’2. F. I’m about 139lbs cutting to hopefully 125ish. I’m starting Olympic lifting 4x per week and one 50 min spin class. Diet wise, I’m back on Keto. Anyone else do keto?
@twinmama Yas! Great idea- I love seeing all my stat twins!

5’4’’, 32, 131 - want to cut to 125

Mostly climbing and lifting, very little cardio. Cut last summer from 142, ready to get to my goal weight agin (I did once...for like two days).

Using the daily TDEE calculator that’s posted all around xxfitness. Has been super helpful! Cutting at 1500 (except hard climbing weekends) and at least 100g protein. TDEE is around 1800.

Let’s do this.
@twinmama 30 / 5'3 / 144 lbs. Hopefully posting here will get me a bit more serious about cutting to at least 135 by June. Everyone here seems to have such solid plans!

So far I've been hoping to avoid counting calories, but I think its inevitable as my 'just eat more veggies and protein' plan means that I'm eating veggies plus everything I'd normally eat. Which unfortunately includes too many donuts.

I'm also hoping to increase cardio so I don't have to actually cut too many calories from what I'm normally eating. I'm mostly a climber, but I'm trying to build up to about 30 min runs 3x per week.

If anyone's got advice or encouragement I'd be happy to hear it!
@twinmama Long time lurker, finally took the plunge to get involved

25/5'3/141lbs would love to cut to 127. I ran my first half-marathon at that weight a few years ago and felt that's when I looked the best and felt the strongest.

I have army PT five days a week which widely varies in exercise and intensity. I also Crossfit 4-6x a week depending on army shenanigans

TDEE has a wide range of 1700-2400 depending on if I go to both PT and crossfit, just one, or it's Slothday-Sunday. I know my BMR is 1400 based on a metabolic test at the wellness center on post so I'm not sure what range of calories I should be aiming for

I too am absolute shit at logging. Maybe accountability here will make that better. Somewhat related, I made a promise to myself to only weigh in once a week on Saturday morning because I think daily weight fluctuations stress me out and discourage me
I ran my first half-marathon at that weight a few years ago and felt that's when I looked the best and felt the strongest.

YUPPP. Ran my first half at ~125lbs and did it in 2:02. My last half (in my defense I ran a 5k beforehand for a total of 26.1k) was a measley 2:17. At ~135lbs.

I'm only doing 10 and 15k races this season but I really want to get back to my sub 55 min 10ks!