Summer Cut: 5'3/140--130 Ladies Group Chat

@twinmama 24/5'1/139

I would like to cut to 125 ultimately. Currently training for a half marathon so trying to eat more intuitively rather than strictly count calories.

Was eating 1500 M-Th and 2000 Fri-Sun. I was lifting 5-6 days with two soccer games a week. Had to compile my lifts to two days and I run three days with 4 soccer games a week.

I've lost 9lbs since I started, though I have kind of stalled over the last two weeks. Trying not to get discouraged as I know a strong body needs fuel, so maybe now isn't the best time for a cut.

Edit to include slight background:

Played super competitive soccer up until early high school, realized it was causing me extreme anxiety so had to quit cold turkey (much to my family's distaste). Struggled with anxiety/panic disorder and emetophobia since then, but recently have been pursuing therapy and medication to work on my problems before my husband and I start a family. Ran a half marathon in high school just to see if I could actually do it. I was always known as the athletic girl, even after I quit soccer.

Started my fitness journey at the turn of the year after years of on again off again working out. Following Strong Curves and Strong lifts, whilst also running Hal Higdon's Intermediate half program. Play on 4 different soccer teams, so I have 2-3 games on Saturdays and 1 Tuesday evening. Working out can be a point of anxiety in general, but it's something I'm working on. Here's to hoping!
Trying not to get discouraged as I know a strong body needs fuel, so maybe now isn't the best time for a cut.

I struggle with this too. I'm training for a half in May, and want to make crossfit gains, so I know I can't cut too low or each workout will just be miserable. I'm hoping 16-17-18, somewhere in that range I'll be able to function and slowly lose.
@twinmama My half is the last weekend in April! Yeah I had really kept my carbs low when I wasn't running, but I realized there was no way I could train without carbs. It's been so difficult to find a balance, so I guess as long as I'm still working out and eating as clean as I can there's nothing to worry about.
@briley4 still being healthy at the end of the day.

people kept trying to convince me to do Keto, I told them no way lol. Running without carbs feels awful.
@twinmama Oh no way in hell, you'll have to pry my cereal out of my cold, dead hands. I have the most awful runs if I don't have pasta literally the night before.
@briley4 I had cookies last night. Run this morning was tough, answer, needed more cookies.

in reality I think I need a pre-run snack but I have a sensitive stomach so I'm not sure what to try.
@twinmama Yes! I mean no, that sucks, but I have IBS so I have to be crazy careful of what I eat or there's a 98% chance the only place I will be running is to the bathroom.

Yesterday I was having an off night so I ate cereal, two clementines, and a bowl of noodles with butter for dinner. I'm hoping my run today will reflect the carbs.
@briley4 I feel your pain! IBS-C here. I'm doing all right at the moment (no processed food for now... that means lots of cooking, but it's worth it). I don't exactly know what my triggers are yet, though.
@clanless I have narrowed my triggers down for the most part. Which is basically anything and everything processed/greasy/oily/overly-spicy. I've got IBS-D though, which I'm hoping will clear up the more I work on my generalized anxiety/panic disorder.
@briley4 Mine isn't IBS bad, thankfully. I just have to be careful with whats in my stomach pre-running.

I'm thinking of starting with 1-2 bites of banana 30 min before I run and seeing how that works. daily runs are now 4+ miles and I feel dead after mile 3ish.
@briley4 hal higdon's novice half program. I'm on week 7, with a 7 mile run this sunday!

So far it's going well. On Wednesday's some days I run, some days I take it easy and do something else. I let my body tell me.