Summer Cut: 5'3/140--130 Ladies Group Chat

@twinmama I’m 30/5’3”/145 lbs, aiming to get to 135 by June/July. I compete in the 63 kg (138.8 lb) class in powerlifting and I think I’d be a lot stronger in competitions if I didn’t have to work on cutting weight for 4-6 weeks before I step on the platform.

I’m currently doing a 5 day a week hypertrophy/BB program until the end of March, with (optimistically) 3 days a week of running for 10-30 mins. I’m not sure yet how much I should eat each day...I’m thinking of aiming for a weekly average of 1800 kcal per day, with more on Friday & Saturday and less on rest days.
@twinmama 5'2", currently 143, aiming for 135 for this cut. I eat about 1400 calories mon-thurs and around 1900 Fri- sun for an average of 1600 per day. TDEE is around 2000. Workout 3-4 times a week (combination of lifting and running). I've lost 7 pounds since January!
@kellamz87 Hi ladies! Similar here too! I’ve lost 11 since January and aiming for about 4 more. I’ll never get below 130 because I like food too much. But it looks right on my frame/height. It’s nice to find support! I’m hoping to be done with this cut in April sometime and move to maintenance.
@twinmama Ah, this is great! Thanks for starting this. I have no idea what discord is... lol.

A bit more in depth about me:

Sorry it’s so long!

Since high school I’ve always been about 140-155 lbs at 5’4”. In 2014 my husband and I were expecting our first baby. I gained a lot of weight, something like 55lbs. My pregnancy was issue free until my 38 week appointment when we found out our daughter passed away. I was induced that night and gave birth to our stillborn daughter then next morning. I left the hospital with empty arms and weighing 205lbs. Life sucked in so many ways.

Eventually i put my grief into working out and counting calories and over the next year and a half I got down to 154lbs. We decided we were ready to try again and got pregnant after a few months of failed attempts. This time I watched what I was eating a lot more and only gained about 35lbs. Our second daughter was born in February 2016.

I didn’t start really trying to lose weight until October 2016 (having a baby and being a sahm was quite the adjustment.) I started at about 172lbs.

I currently weigh 131lbs. I lift 5 days per week Monday through Friday. I’m currently running nsuns while continuing my cut.

Currently shooting for 1325 cals per day but usually hit around 1250 while being content. As opposed to other times I’ve lost weight, I’m incorporating a lot of veggies whenever I can to make myself fuller and stretch my calories. This isn’t the first time I’ve tried to cut at 1200-1300 calories. I’ve done so in the past but filled my days with crap food that didn’t keep me full or satisfied. I didn’t stay on those calorie amounts very long because I simply thought I couldn’t maintain it.

I do cardio here and there primarily for heart health. I’ve been avoiding it since I lowered my calories because it makes me ravenous!

I don’t have a target weight number. At this point I’m simply looking at aesthetics and trying to get rid of my mommy pooch. I have stretch marks that I’m so proud of, but this layer of fat has to go!

Edit: words and numbers
@timmyt30 I too had a stillborn baby at 38 weeks. I am so proud of you for finding exercise as a grief crusher. Congrats on the daughter. Your modeling good behavior by taking care of your health is wonderful. Keep up the good work!
@crr If sharing my story does something like that, I’m glad! We believe there was a reason for what happened. We don’t dwell on it but celebrate her life and share our story to hopefully encourage others.
@timmyt30 Thank you so much for sharing! I'm going to add a comment with my whole backstory as well. It really helps to get to know each other.

So sorry to hear what you've been through, but you wouldn't be you without it.

Veggies are so important. I add veggies to every lunch and dinner ( I won't allow them at breakfast lol). Huge salads, veggie stir frys, broccoli gets mixed in everything. It helps so much.
@twinmama I was hoping it was ok I did that. Sometimes it’s nice to know a bit more than height, weight, and gym routine!

We definitely believe what’s happened had it’s reason, whatever that may be. Sometimes we’re still unsure what that reason is, but we are better parents to our second daughter for it for sure and take every milestone as a gift!

I hated veggies for so long but once I found what worked for me (frozen veggies for the win!) and made them a stable of at least my lunch, it’s been smooth sailing!
@twinmama Oh hey there almost my exact stats friend. 27/5'3"/145ish. Also goal of 125-130 :)

My calories are incredibly wonky due to a medication that is completely obliterating my appetite so I've honestly no idea where I am with that right now. It's still morning where I am right now though and I'm gonna throw some almond butter and coconut milk in my morning smoothie :p

I try to lift 3-4 times a week right now. My cardio is severely lacking but I've definitely had my best results (pre-graduate school) when doing mostly lifting.

Edit: oh I wanted to add that I want to at least be down a bit by June. I'm going on vacation and will likely need a swim suit. Even thinking about one right now makes me anxious and freaked out. Urgh.