Summer Cut: 5'3/140--130 Ladies Group Chat

@twinmama 27/5’6 and a half (it counts)/145 trying to cut to 135-140

Eating 1,700-1,900

Lifting heavy 4 days a week, trying TRYING to run 3 times a week but I never do it. :/

Trying to keep growing in strength and cut as well. Probably not going to be that easy. I don’t want to cut super dramatically especially since I’m only cutting 5-10 pounds. I eat a shit ton of protein. Let’s see how it goes lol.
@mary1954 Ahhh I found my twin! Now I see why everyone else in this thread gets so excited lol.

I'm 21/5'6" and hoping to cut to 135, maybe 130 if 135 is doable. I've never dipped below 140 in my life, so I'm hopeful.

I'm also eating a shitload of protein! How is it going for you? Are you aiming for around 140g as well? So far I've been able to hit it pretty reliably, but keeping my carb count low and hitting it is hard.

I'm following Stronglifts 5x5 and training for a half marathon right now. I'm a college student with a very flexible schedule so I'm able to make time for everything. I hit the gym between 1am-3am, and sleep in two sets from 4am-7am and 5pm-9pm. It's a lifestyle that makes it very hard to have friends, but I can get all of my school work done and the modified sleep schedule combined with the repetitiveness of calorie counting/lonely gym time has helped my psyche immensely. Do you feel exercise helps you similarly?

Edit: Hahaha nevermind, went through your post history. No way you have a hard time hitting your protein goals. You're a fucking beast.
@acruthers Haha omg friend!!

Yeah I hit around 140-150g of protein. I eat a bit more than I should some days (like 160!) because I’m really wanting my muscle and strength to stay. I drink egg whites and it helps, (they aren’t gross if you close your eyes and pretend it’s water.) protein shakes and meals centered around getting at least 40-50 grams per meal has helped.

Also thank you! I’m trying to cut down to show more definition because I’ve kinda been a heavy set powerlifter for so long!

Working out definitely helps my mental heath, it hasn’t always been good but it’s worse when I forgo my workouts.
@twinmama 30/5'2/140 trying to eat between 1350 and 1500 calories a day and lifting heavy 4 times a week with a couple cardio sessions thrown in when I have time. Seeing all your calorie goals makes me wonder if I'm eating enough!
Edit to say goal is 130 by late May/early June!
@southerner117 Listen to your body, it will tell you. Hungry is ok, but lethargic, headaches, etc all likely mean it's not enough. I tried for 1200 last year and it made me feel awful. 1700 a day feels ok.
@twinmama Sorry if you said before somewhere else, but at 1700 a day, about how many pounds are you losing a week? I'm looking to cut but just like you, 1200 is really not working out and I'm trying to figure out a new limit.
@twinmama 27/5'4/137 --> goal of 130
Currently HIIT twice a week, bike twice a week, run 1-2 times a week and cutting at 1600
My sugar addiction causes me to fluctuate. Especially on weekends where I don't have the work environment to keep my food choices and consumption limited. Would love to join the accountability group!
@twinmama 5'4/29/CW 140/GW 133. My wedding anniversary is in May so that's my tentative goal! I'm pretty happy with how I look, but I want to rock the hell out of my anniversary date dress.

I do a boot camp class 5 days a week, and I'm training for a half marathon at the end of April. Long run will be 9 miles this Saturday and I try to do two shorter runs in the week (I have two young children and a traveling spouse so that doesn't always happen). I think I can effectively cut at 1700-1800 kcals.
@twinmama 31, 5'3", 147lbs as of checking yesterday.

I'd like to get back between 135-140.
I haven't started a cut yet, but I'm just finishing up week 12 of Strong Curves - which I'm, if I'm honest, so ready to be done with. I really enjoyed the program until weeks 9-12 and this portion has just been killing me. I also do 1-2 days of cardio and the occasional drop in yoga class.

Game plan is to start 5/3/1 on Sunday and I'm looking forward to giving it a go. I'll have to get back to looking into my TDEE again as I haven't been paying much attention to weight or calories lately, just more so quality of food, preparing the majority of meals at home, etc. Last time I checked I think my maintenance was 1600-1700? So I'm thinking I'll have to aim for 1400 and get back into the calorie tracking game.
@twinmama Really love seeing everyone’s stats!
Been neglecting fitness for the past three months out of pure laziness. I was lifting 3 days a week previously and need to get back in the gym and back on track!

I started last year in the mid 150s (probably higher, as I didn’t weigh myself at the beginning) and got down to 132-134 and have crept back up to 139. I can pretend to blame it on stress from starting a new job late last year but I love my job and I’m actually less stressed than before. I have a sedentary day job but I do bartend on the weekends at a very busy restaurant and that can get pretty physical. (Pulling down cases of wine/beer from our storage room, changing kegs, 9-10 hour shifts on my feet, in constant motion)

So for me, I’m 5’4” 139, and by the end of June I’d like to be around 125 ideally. But I’m trying to be patient with myself too. Ultimate end goal is 115-120 by mid October, which is more than doable!

I’m trying to eat 1200-1300 because I haven’t been exercising(more on weekends). I’ll bump that up on workout days. I don’t want to push myself too hard yet because I don’t want to burn out. So I’m starting slow and working back up to where I was and hopefully be where I want to be for my big vaca in October! Good luck ladies!
@twinmama 24/5'5/141 lbs
GW: 130
I've been stuck in the low 140s for over 6 months and I'm ready to be in the 130s! Started training for a half marathon this week. Also incorporating lifting a few times per week. Eating about 1400-1500 cal per day, but that varies. I'll be upping the calories as I increase mileage.
@twinmama 23/5’3/128, started at 153. After reading through some of these posts I’m a little self conscious of my calorie goals. I was maintaining a cut at about 1250 Cals a day which got me to drop the majority of my weight, now I’m at a severe cut of 1000 cals a day on Keto. I lift 6 days a week.

Should I cut less cals? Lmao you guys are my size and cutting at 1600 cals, I’m honestly jealous

Edit: should note that I’m by no means starving myself. Just on a severe cut with a goal of losing 2lbs/week to finish out before the summer
@asifasif44 I agree with the others that have said increasing your calories would most likely be beneficial.

I do have to ask, how do you feel with your current intake? For me, I would have a hard time lifting weights with that much of a deficit and I'd expect to see loss of strength.
@grove12345 That’s the thing, I don’t feel poorly at all. I’ve been counting macros and lifting for almost 3 years now and although I’ve always maintained something around 1200-1300 cals I don’t feel any worse by dropping down to 1000.

There’s not any substantial loss of strength that I can’t attribute to simply losing weight. For example, when I weighed around 140 (and taking creatine) I could deadlift 215lb. At 128, I can still deadlift around 190- 195. So like obviously weighing less is going to lower my lifts a bit but to me it’s not a significant loss
@asifasif44 Other than general health and happiness, the main concern with such a large deficit is that you're very likely to start losing muscle. The question for you is: is muscle loss an acceptable risk to attain your weight goal more quickly?

Think about your physique and your overall health and take them into account too. Weight is just a number.
@asifasif44 your body has a BMR, the basic calories it needs simply to function. to pump your heart, to move your muscles, to let you blink. every little thing.

So at minimum you need to eat that much. Given your height and age, it's above 1000. at least 1100-1200. So yes, please, bump those calories back up to 1250.

And if you are lifting 6 days a week, you can up it way more than that, and for health you likely need to.

Remember it's a marathon, not a sprint. if you lose the weight super quick there is a larger chance of lose skin and a larger chance of relapse and gaining it back. turtle style, slow and steady wins this race.
@asifasif44 At 5'3 lifting 6 days a week, your body won't get the nutrition it needs to feed itself/build muscle. You should definitely up your calories. Even if you don't see the movement on the scale, your body recomp will definitely be noticeable.