@acruthers I do a few splits. Arms/Chest, Shoulders/Back, Legs, and Abs. I try to do legs twice a week.
Arms is usually dumbell curls, overhead tricep extension, assisted dips, tricep pulldowns, and barbell curls.
Chest is usually incline barbell presses, lying dumbell presses, and flies on the machine.
Shoulders is usually lateral raises, side lateral raises, Arnold presses, and regular shoulder presses. Sometimes I'll add in rotator cuff things to keep my shoulders ready for hockey.
Back is usually back extensions with a weight, lat pulldowns, assisted pullups, and rows.
Legs I do barbell squats in the rack, deadlifts with the barbell, calf raises on the machine, leg press on the machine, and then hamstring curls on the machine.
Abs is my least favorite day, I usually do some combination of bicycles, side pulls, crunches, and hanging leg raises.
All my lifts I try to do "lift to failure" on, usually the 8-10 range for reps, and I try for 4 sets of each thing. Shoulder and arms day I will do supersets if I'm feeling great, but usually I just keep it simple.
I try to do 10 minute of cardio after each lifting session, usually rowing or Sprint intervals. Then I usually have 1 hockey game a week, and then 1 hour long powerskating class a week.