Summer Cut: 5'3/140--130 Ladies Group Chat

@twinmama Thanks! It's basically me in a nut shell.

Unfortunately because of my meds, listening to my body leads me to not eating anything at all until like 5pm some days. So realistically right now is a process of just trying to eat anyways. I know not eating won't fuel my body or help me recover from lifting. It's a struggle. Usually I have too much appetite so this is quite the experience.
@twinmama 26/5'2"/129 lbs

I started this year around 142 and that's down overall from 163+. My next goal is 125, but ultimately I think I might want to get down to between 115-120, not entirely sure yet.

I average a little more than 1400 calories a day. I lift 4x per week, run 15-20 miles on average and do another 1-3 hours of cardio a week, but other than that and walking my dogs, I'm pretty sedentary (work from home). I'm also focused mainly on performance for a Spartan Race in early April and then I think I'm going to train for another half-marathon once my cut is over!
@twinmama Online calculators give me around 1800-1900 depending on the calculator, but before I linked MFP to my Garmin watch, I was seeing anywhere up to 2200-2400 per day (after linking, I'm seeing around 1800 average, but I think it's due to how the Garmin app incorporates the calorie limit you have in MFP. Haven't researched into this more, but it never gives me 2k+ cals burned anymore, which seems inaccurate considering I'm losing about a lb a week or so which would indicate my TDEE is closer to 1900, give or take)

Good luck with your half and tough mudder!! This is my first obstacle race and I'm pretty excited!
@seekinghim26 Thank you! I'm excited, both are my first events like this as well!

I've only "raced" a 5K before, but I'm following a half training plan, and hoping crossfit will help with the tough mudder
@twinmama I did tough mudder last fall, and it was BLAST! I hadn't run more than 5 miles straight to train for it (in addition to my normal workout routine), so my knees and hips hurt for 3 days after. Otherwise, so much fun! You'll love it! And Feel like such a badass when you finish!

Edit. Typos.
@twinmama 27/5'3/135 lbs

I am trying to cut to 125.

I lift 4 to 6 times a week atm.
Attempting to do 2 to 3 days of cardio just 10 to 30 mins.

Eating at 1400 to 1600 daily. It varies and this will be a super slow cut maybe even more of a recomp.
@ericajones My daily plan is really simple.

Breakfast is a smoothy. mixed berries spinach banana protien powder and almond milk. Around 300 calories worth.

Snack is a chiobani flipz yogurt. 180 calories

Lunch is 4 to 8 oz of a meat. (6 to 8 beef chicken or protien. 4 oz salmon) and a veggie smothered in butter. About 350 calories

Pre work out is a double scoop protien shake with oj. About 320 calories.

Dinner is a protien and a veggie and butter again. 250 to 300 calories ish.

I generally keep lower carb but this still comes to over 135g carbs 135g protien and about 40g fats.
@1fish Similar Stats!

26/5'4"/129 lbs

My goal is to cut to 125 lbs and to take my waist from 28" to 26".

Cutting at 1400-1600 with 2 days of HIIT and one day of LISS on top of regularly lifting 4 times a week. Mine is more likely going to be a recomp too but I think that'll work better for my goals.
How do you eat so little?! I'm also 5'5" and cutting on 1700....I couldn't eat less than that, I already get headaches and tiredness from eating so little. I would DIE on 1500! Haha! I only lift for 1.5 hours a day and have a very lightly semi active job (lab work).
I don't lift - I do aerial silks and other aerial stuff, Biking, hiking, yoga. i can't go below 1500 or I feel the same way, and on the weekend I usually try to just eat at maintenance which is closer to 1700 for me. I know when I was doing barre and Pilates every day, I felt like doo doo, and everything just stalled, I was tired, I never took a day off, and was starving. So I said F all that and just do the things I actually enjoy and eat fewer breads - edit to say I would like to start lifting one day, but I'd like to cut some body fat first
I cycle as well (in the summer). But YES- your words summed it up perfectly- "felt like doo doo" made me laugh so hard!

If you want to lose weight, I think starting to lift will really benefit you. When I started liftingI went from 126lbs to 115lbs in about 3 months. It just stripped the fat off like nothing I've ever done (I've spent my life doing running and cycling). BUT do what you enjoy and you'll be rewarded. :)
@twinmama 26/5'6"/158 lbs, cutting @ 1600 cals a day right now.

I lift 4-5 days a week hard, and play hockey twice a week.
I'm bigger than you for sure, but this is my first time trying a cut, so I'm happy to get any tips or knowledge from anyone!

So far my sugar cravings are bad, I've had headaches every afternoon for 3 days, but that could be sinus cold. Mostly trying to keep my protein macros topped up, and drinking lots of water.
I lift 4-5 days a week hard

What does your lifting routine look like? I'm current lifting heavy three times a week and really want to up it, but I'm not sure how to do so with proper rest time. I'm doing strong lifts and supplementing it with an ab routine and barbell hip thrusts on those lift days. I also run on my off days, and only take off one day a week for complete rest.
@acruthers I do a few splits. Arms/Chest, Shoulders/Back, Legs, and Abs. I try to do legs twice a week.

Arms is usually dumbell curls, overhead tricep extension, assisted dips, tricep pulldowns, and barbell curls.

Chest is usually incline barbell presses, lying dumbell presses, and flies on the machine.

Shoulders is usually lateral raises, side lateral raises, Arnold presses, and regular shoulder presses. Sometimes I'll add in rotator cuff things to keep my shoulders ready for hockey.

Back is usually back extensions with a weight, lat pulldowns, assisted pullups, and rows.

Legs I do barbell squats in the rack, deadlifts with the barbell, calf raises on the machine, leg press on the machine, and then hamstring curls on the machine.

Abs is my least favorite day, I usually do some combination of bicycles, side pulls, crunches, and hanging leg raises.

All my lifts I try to do "lift to failure" on, usually the 8-10 range for reps, and I try for 4 sets of each thing. Shoulder and arms day I will do supersets if I'm feeling great, but usually I just keep it simple.

I try to do 10 minute of cardio after each lifting session, usually rowing or Sprint intervals. Then I usually have 1 hockey game a week, and then 1 hour long powerskating class a week.