Summer Cut: 5'3/140--130 Ladies Group Chat

@beaton I run, bike, lift, and dance. Not all at the same time. But when I do, I get dehydrated quickly no matter how much water I drink. When you get headaches? Are you dehydrated? How much water do you drink? Are you constantly peeing? If you feel like you are constantly peeing the water you just drank. You may want to eat a pinch of salt. So your body could retain some of that water.

Next time you feel headache coming on. Eat some salt. See if that helps. If so you may want to add more salt into your diet.
@beaton wow girl, sounds like an intense cut!

As for the headaches, if they don't go away in a couple days (and it's not sinus) it's worth looking in to.

My first comment of advice is to focus on protein (especially for the lifting aspect). It's easy when cutting to not have enough protein but we need it!
@twinmama I don't plan on doing it for long, the 1600 a day is killing me. lol
Just want to drop my few last pounds till goal weight for spring, then I'm going to maintain.
Currently running 3-4 days a week, crossfit 3-4 days a week.

On day 5 of my cut, and so far I've been below 1800, averaging upper 1600s. So far so good. I keep having urges to look at the scale but I hid it on purpose. Goal is a solid 30 days on track and then I can re-evaluate if I need a new calorie goal or if everything is working well.

*Edit, following gettinfitter's idea.

In HS I was always larger/curvy. My parents never taught me a healthy food relationship. Lots of binge eating and then not eating cycles. But I was still an OK weight so it wasn't a "problem". Fast forward to college where I ate everything for a few reasons. One, I was lonely in my relationship (8 year HS relationship that I didn't have the courage to end until I was 24). Friends weren't in the college with me. I'm kind of awkward/antisocial at times which wasn't easy in college. I went from ~160 in HS up to almost 220. May have even gotten above that, I don't know, I never checked.

After I ended the 8 year relationship I finally took some responsiblity in myself. I wasn't happy,and I knew I'd never get another relationship if I didn't look better. (all vanity at this point). So I started counting calories because I knew it worked. (went from 220 down to 170 then back to 200+ in college when I gave up counting). And this time I did it slow. I lived alone, so no other tempatation. In about 6 months I got down to ~180. And I stayed there for 2 years or so. I wasn't happy yet, but I was better than I was.

Met the current BF about 2.5 years ago. He did it all the WRONG way,but he meant well, and would make comments on how I should workout/lose weight. I took it wrong for awhile but he really just wanted me to be OK with my confidence and body. Finally something clicked last year and I just did it. CICO and cardio at the gym 2-3 times a week. No other goals, just food. Got down to ~140 last fall and then have been there since. Found out I like running, so I started training for long distances. Found out recently I like crossfit, so I do that too.

Went from not being able to run a mile last year to training for a half marathon and doing crossfit multiple times a week. I am now ready for another cut, another push towards my final goal.

I'm so glad I found fitness though because I'm a huge volume eater. I love food. Still fight those binge eating issues from HS. Fitness helps give me an outlet. gives me confidence. gives me goals, helps me avoid the binges and emotional eating.
@twinmama I grew up with bad eating habits as well. My parents have mostly always been overweight. At least my mom, my dad has fluctuated over the years. I think they are both obese at this point with a myriad of health issues. I really want to help them lose weight but I don’t know how!

I’m an introvert/ awkward person too! I ended up dropping out of Purdue basically after one semester because I was so depressed and lonely. Living on campus as an introvert is so hard. I ended up going to community college, graduating and then a few years later getting my bachelors online through Indiana Wesleyan university.

I’m glad you’ve found a passion in fitness! Even though I’d lost weight in the past I never fell in love with fitness until this last time I started (2016).

I’m a volume eater too. I want to eat as much as I possibly can within my caloric limits!
@timmyt30 You are me in a nutshell.

My parents are both overweight. My dad will lose 30 lbs, gain it back. It's a constant cycle. Mom will complain, lose 5lbs, gain it back.
They've seen the changes I've made but don't honestly seem to want to change themselves. I can't make them, so sadly we just don't talk about it. They don't really seem to care about my fitness activities or goals.

I made it through college but it wasn't ideal. I'm not the type to enjoy large parties or crazy nights out. I'm more the "let's go hike" person and for some reason I can't find others like that. Maybe we are all hiking alone, who knows.

Took me until mid 2017 to really enjoy/love fitness, so you're ahead of me there!
@twinmama I've never used discord before, but I downloaded it and am on there. Is there a group/server name I can search specifically for this group?

BTW, I have your same stats: 5'3", ~140lbs, cutting at 1500-1700 to 125-130; except I'm 10 years older than you. It might be interesting/depressing to see if you beat me to the goal weight because of your younger metabolism, ha!