Svetlana Veselova: “I’m Suing the CrossFit Games” - Veselova failed an in-competition drug test, received a 4-year sanction

@grace4nan Did anyone who has commented read her post or the article?

She notified CrossFit BEFORE the Games of what she took with a Rx and reasoning from a doctor as to why, they seemingly didn’t respond, they let her travel and ultimately compete and then after the Games DQ’ed her.

This isn’t a case of saying she didn’t know why she popped she knows exactly why and so has CrossFit for a month and a half and they still let her compete.

Now, you could argue if she truly needed a PED after emergency surgery and/or if that was possibly a ruse and why she took it without first getting approval in the first place but the glaring piece here is she told CrossFit what happened and that she took it and they did nothing and let her compete.
@love4truth If you’re wearing a tinfoil hat, this would look like an obvious way to boost your “our drug policy is good” numbers. They talk about it so much, anything that can take shade away from letting Gervais back in.

However, having watched the games and been an affiliate for a while now and a trainer longer. I 100% believe someone at HQ dropped the ball, because they do that, all the time. So whoever read her information about the prescription didn’t share it with whoever was in charge of dis-inviting someone.

And if I were knee deep in a poker game right now, I’d say nobody is in charge of dis-inviting.

Edit: not you as in the comment I’m responding to. The royal you.
@jacbar123 I can’t imagine that the private equity owners of CrossFit want anything to do with drug testing or any of this bullshit. It’s just a whole bunch of headaches for no obvious financial benefit. Therefore, I don’t think the idea that they want to strategically and surreptitiously bolster Understanding of the drug testing regime is a credible idea.

I don’t know anybody over there, but I bet they’re looking to offload the games as soon as it becomes convenient and feasible to do so.
@thunderstruck Yeah that’s why i wanted to get the tinfoil hat explanation out first because it is possible as they make it very important to defend the drug policy (which is outsourced but to that group that does drug testing for multiple sports).

I’ve wondered when they’d get someone to take over the games. I mean we can go back to Greg Glassman’s desire to never had let it grow so big. I wouldn’t be surprised if the owners now have the same feeling and just haven’t figured out what to do.

This is just a guess but they do make money off of providing a chance to be an official CrossFit competition. This move they made a few years ago is far closer to their business model which is basically about licensure. Holding on to the games feels more like an albatross of a loss leader.

Way too long response to your comment when I just wanted to say, yeah definitely I see what you’re saying.
@jacbar123 Long posts are cool, I read them while I’m driving in between sips of gin.

The answer is obvious right? The games are a really big deal to a really small fraction of the community. Just close them down. 4% of people would be steaming mad. The other 96% wouldn’t care
@love4truth From what I’ve heard, when you file an appeal it’s Bozman and random office staff who aren’t even paying attention. No one seems to have a clue what they’re talking about.

I’ve also heard CrossFit will do their own “investigations” and supplement companies mysteriously have their batch samples go missing.
@love4truth She knowingly took something on the banned substances list. She shouldve not taken it or not competed. She stole the experience from another Masters athlete. Plus, I really doubt her story that CrossFit ok’ed it. Reads like the athlete that claimed she ingested PEDs from her boyfriends semen.
@scaredvvv We don’t know all the details. Sounds like she was prescribed it, took it and then told CrossFit. Meldonium has been banned for a long time. She should’ve never taken it. You can’t even illegally take it in the US. I find it really hard to believe she had an emergency that couldn’t be treated with another drug. All I hear is excuses and her stealing the spot from another masters athlete. Most likely she was using it in the open, quarters and semis as well.
@love4truth This reminds me of the Elrod Case in 2017. He took something to help with impregnating his wife, it worked, and got off it, and told cf. He qualified and popped but cf told him he knew it was banned, no matter. Doctor rx isn't a valid excuse. Seems to me she took the risk, even if it sucks cfhq didn't answer (and it does. )