TDEE, Calories (Daily/Weekly), & Losing Weight

@soulriderx Hi. Thank you for your response.

For a bit of background info, I was at a much lower weight last year (104lbs being my lowest), but within a few months, I gained weight due to stress eating which was a first for me. Some people may think negatively about how I was at such a low weight, but my body actually felt very comfortable within the 105-108 range. According to NIH's BMI calculator, that's still a normal weight. The highest my weight has been was 120 lbs.

I started my fitness journey in January at 118 lbs. At the time, I thought it would be possible for me to lose weight & to get at least 110 lbs by the end of May, which is an 8 lb loss in about 5 months. My focus is on building muscle to tone up & lower my body fat %. My trainer told me it was 34% when I started. I'm not too sure what it's at right now. I understand that muscle weighs more than fat, so that's why 110 lbs was my goal instead of getting back to 105-108 lbs.

I understand the TDEE calculator isn't accurate, which is why I only use it as a guide.
@aventador What the absolute hell is up with all these posts of people wanting to be below 120????? In unhealthy ways as well??? It’s absolutely getting insane. I thought there were mods who were supposed to remove posts like this.

Advice: Go along with your plan if you have absolutely no desire to keep those 9lbs off. You’re already at a healthy weight for your heigh. This time frame is all wanky, and if you’re concerned is that you’re skinny fat, strength train and eat more.
@aventador Hi! I am your exact height and weight on the dot. While I don’t have a time frame in mind, our goal weights are similar. I was my most secure at 110-112. I’d recommend doing an in body scan if you can. I started F45 a year ago and have taken 200 classes. My weight has not changed but my body composition has. I’ve put on a lot of muscle and lost some fat. Now, I’m focused on cutting the remaining stubborn. It sounds like you’re doing all the right things. Wishing you luck!