Frustrated about body size and TDEE

@sweetkf adjusting to eating more because you have a much higher TDEE is a completely different mentality to having to adjust to eating less. that’s literally the opposite concept of what this post is about. it’s not “perspective”
@legolas2106 This. Especially because our bodies (all bodies, not just petite people) are primed to want us to eat more and more, not to eat less. We have to fight against what our bodies want us to do always.
@johnjs37 Where did you get this? Primed to eat more? 🤣

Taller people expend more energy hence the higher TDEE. More bone mass, more muscle mass usually, even fat mass. We don’t expend as much energy and should be as hungry as a result. If you are as hungry, maybe you really aren’t eating enough if that’s true hunger and you’re under estimating your actual TDEE.

I track, I eat at restaurants, I order what I want and stop when I’m full. Read that again - stop when I’m full. Why would you want to overeat? Seriously why? I’m so completely confused.
@sweetkf What I mean is biologically humans have more of a tendency to put out on weight because our ancestors went through periods of feast and famine. We evolved to survive famines and bulk up during feasts. Most of us live in a "feast" and we need to fight biological urges to eat more. That is what I am referring to. It's just the way our bodies are built.

Also I don't have a "problem." I am not overweight. I am just venting about what I experience in my journey to stay the size I am. If you don't experience the same thing, that is great for you. I am honestly happy for you that you don't go through this.