TDEE tracker you may find useful

Hi fitness friends :)


EDIT: this sheet was built in Excel and so is optimised for it - it does work in Google Sheets, mostly, but doesn't look as pretty and I'm not sure if the charts work as they use dynamic named ranges. See how you go, but I'm sorry it's not quite as flash in Sheets.

EDIT: to add metric version and a fully filled in version!

EDIT: the Fitbit row could be any tracker, it's just that I have a Fitbit. It's also totally optional - I added this in because I was interested to see how accurate my Fitbit calorie burn is! You can ignore the Fitbit rows and it won't break any of the other formulae. If you can be bothered, you can also hide/delete these rows, but remember to move the charts out of the way first :)

Actual post starts here

TDEE tracker imperial (weight in lbs)

TDEE tracker metric (weight in kg)

My TDEE tracker with data since October

I haven't had any big interesting weight loss so it's not the most riveting, but somebody asked for a filled in one and I'm happy to share. Also just realised I left a tab in there with my workouts and random calorie jottings, sorry about that.

I commented in another post with this the other day, but thought some of you find it useful. It’s a TDEE tracker, loosely based on the one from r/fitness, but I’ve added a row for Fitbit calorie burn so you can compare it to your calculated TDEE, and a whole load of other random bits and pieces.

I’ve left a few weeks of data in it as an example, just delete and start filling in from cell G12. This will be your weight in your chosen unit, G13 is how many calories you ate that day, and G14 is how many calories your Fitbit or other tracker tells you you have burned (this is optional and not required to work out your accurate TDEE). I have over 6 months of data, and my calculated TDEE is 350 calories higher than what Fitbit tells me, so this is interesting data to have!

You can change anything in orange font (as well as the actual data).

I’ll try and explain cell by cell!

G8: put your average daily calorie goal in here, and cell G9 will tell you how many calories/day you have left to meet it this week. It is based on Friday to Thursday, because this is how I measure my weeks calorie-wise. It’s handy because my weekend calories vary hugely depending on my plans - it works out what my weekdays should look like in order to meet my calorie goal, then I can decide how many snacks I can have at work! Or you can reference cell AN9 into cell G8 (explained below).

E12: Put the date of the Monday of the first week of your data in here and the rest will update.

N5: Handy conversion tool. Change the orange number to see your weight in two other units (kgs/lbs/stones).

AN6: Put a weekly weight loss or gain goal in here (with a minus sign if you’re planning on losing). Cell AN9 will then tell you your calorie goal, based on your current TDEE.

AR5 and AR7: Plug in realistic calorie goals for weekdays and Sundays in here, and cell AR6 will tell you how many calories you can eat on Fri and Sat, based on your average calorie goal you just worked out in AN9. (I go out a lot at the weekends, so I have to average calories over a week but vary them daily in order to meet my goals - you can ignore this if it doesn’t apply to you!)

AT6: Plug a date in here to see what you can expect to weigh on that date based on the weight loss data you just entered.

Other explanations:

The little triangle means delta, which means change. It’s just shorthand. Can’t work out how to do a delta sign on my phone so I’m going to write delta.

Column O - Delta lbs/kg: Your week to week weight change based on this week’s and last week’s weight averages.

Column P - TDEE (Fitbit): What your Fitbit thinks your TDEE is

Column Q - TDEE (3,500 cals/lb)/(7,700 cals/kg): What your TDEE is based on the widely accepted 3,500 calories/lb of fat formula (or 7,700 cals/kg) - this is the accurate one, I’ve found!

Column R - +/- Maintenance: How many calories above or below your TDEE for that week you were

Column S - Theoretical fat delta: How much your weight should have changed based on 3,500 cals/lb or 7,700 cals/kg. It is very rare that column O matches column S! Although it is often fairly close.

There are also 3 charts which sort of show the same thing but I like them anyway. They will update automatically.

Chart one: Based on weekly averages. Blue bars are your TDEE that week, yellow lines are your weight and the linear trend of your weight, grey line is your average cals for that week. A new blue bar will appear each week after you’ve put in your weight and calorie intake on Monday.

Chart 2: Daily weight trend. This one is very spiky - I add data labels e.g. dehydrated from alcohol, ate 2 pizzas, etc. to explain peaks and troughs, usually related to water weight.

Chart 3 (my favourite): This takes a rolling average of the last 7 days of calorie intake and weight. I think this one gives the best and most usable trend. I find that the blue line (weight) follows the calorie line pretty closely but always a day or two behind.

You need to fill this in daily for it to work. Don’t worry if you went out and don’t know your calories - over Christmas I just put 3,500 for about a week straight and didn’t even attempt to estimate. If you’re counting accurately most of the time, it doesn't matter. I try to roughly estimate where possible but if I really can’t be arsed I’ll just stick a high number in. The more data you build up, the less the odd estimation matters - your TDEE won't suddenly jump up or down. I have it saved on my work laptop and just open it up and fill it in each morning. I have Bluetooth scales which track my weight so I have the weekend data on a Monday morning.

It will take 3-4 weeks for your TDEE to even out - it will probably be about 100-400 cals out to begin with. Mine started at about 2,350 and eventually settled at around 2,150-2,190, it doesn’t go far out of this range now.

I realise I’m a total data nerd so this may not appeal to everyone, and it won’t suit people for whom getting too into the numbers can trigger unhealthy behaviours, but I’m sure there will be some of you who enjoy this kind of thing! The most useful thing for me has definitely been having an accurate TDEE that actually works. It gave me the confidence to eat 2,150 calories - and lo and behold, I’m not gaining weight.

Enjoy :)
@seekinganswersinlife Thanks so much for this! Excited to give it a try. I get that it's important to weigh yourself every day to get the most accurate data but I don't have scales at home. If I weigh myself at the gym at the same time every day would it work (roughly) as well? Late to the game but hope you can help - even more than you already have :)
@colinvy Yes it will work, although if you weight tends to fluctuate a lot due to water just keep that in mind! But if in general you’re weighing yourself at a similar time for a few weeks it will give you a pretty accurate TDEE. :)
@seekinganswersinlife Thank you and now I am more frustrated than ever. I had hoped this would help me understand why I have only lost 1.4 lbs over the last 3 weeks, even when eating -5000 cal/week. I had hoped that FITBIT was off by a lot and that was why, but sadly (or not so sadly), it is only off by about 20 calories according to 6 weeks of data. Hopefully having this and continued tracking will help me figure it out. The scientist in me loves the number crunching!
@seekinganswersinlife I don't know if you have changed it, but you can alter the settings so that no one can edit or change it - they HAVE to download or save their own copy. Might be a good thing to do to prevent that from happening.
G8 is the same - but you can just type over it if you aren’t using the calorie goal in AN9 (because that basically changes daily with your TDEE).

So I use AN9 to work out roughly what my goal is, then maybe round it up and down and put that in G8. You can change where the formula points to if you like!
@seekinganswersinlife So... I'm playing around with the sheet with my actual data from the past month. I have a question:

If I enter my numbers and it outputs Daily Average Allowance, then I enter weekday and Sunday cals, it spits out weekend cals. Is weekend cals based on my desired weekly weight change calories (AN9)?

And I'm not sure how that differs from G8?
I might have figured it out...

Is it basically saying if I blow my calories on the weekend, then I have to stick to G9 to stay on track for my average calories/week?
@seekinganswersinlife This is very interesting!

I just plugged all my numbers in for the last 12 weeks. The theoretical amount that I should have gained is 4x more than what I actually gained.

With a little reverse engineering, I created a "corrected TDEE" line:

(Avg of '+/- maintenance' divided by 7)
minus ('weight change'*7700/7).

So I think I have learned is that I systematically overestimate the calories that I eat by about 80 calories per day.

I also added a TDEE average over the whole period, because I think it's a useful metric and I didn't see it already in the sheet you made.

Looking forward still to playing with the charts. The visuals that you have come up with are super useful!
@sky32 Would you mind sharing the formula for Excel/Sheets and where you put it in the sheet? I'm loving playing with this thing but would love to see how the numbers look differently!
@sky32 Funny you should say that - having people using it and letting me know their own little issues and concerns has made me rethink how it is calculated.

I originally took the nsuns one and just adapted the formula from that, and I wasn’t planning on sharing it so it’s basically just a bit of a brain dump of mine, but with a bit of critical thinking, I think it could be improved on. I

I’m going to have a think about it at work and I will make a new post if I update it! But I’ll make sure the weight/cals format doesn’t change so people can easily migrate if need me.

I’m glad you like it!
@seekinganswersinlife Thank you so much for this, this will absolutely be my go to now. Love all the little additions here.

One q though - I'm a little confused about the cals/day to meet goal section. I've filled in my stuff and it's giving me a number of around 100. Is that saying I need to eat only 100 cals a day for the rest of the week to meet my goal, or that I have around 100 cals extra or what? Just trying to understand it!

Thanks so much for sharing and your diligent work!
@lolitacherie It might be that you haven’t got enough data yet - it will work from Friday because it is Friday-Thursday calc. At the mo it doesn’t know what you ate on Fri-Sun last week!

If you have filled in more than a week, then let me know and I will check the formulas. I added a lot of them in as I went along, so probably wasn’t as diligent about the earlier weeks.

I’m also having a discussion in another thread about whether this method of working out rolling TDEE is the most mathematically sound - so watch this space as I might come up with a new improved sheet for you to transfer the data too.

It doesn’t mean this one is wrong btw - but we might be able to hone it :)
@seekinganswersinlife Thank you so much! This has 4 weeks in currently, but I can put in more, I'll see if that helps! But am I correct in reading that it's supposed to be like the calories I need to eat daily for the rest of the week to reach my goal?
@lolitacherie Yes - so if you have decided you want to eat an average of 2000 calories a day, but you eat 3000 on Friday, it average out the remaining calories for the rest of the week to let you know how many you should eat to still meet your average 2000 calorie goal. I hope that makes sense!
@seekinganswersinlife It does! Thank you! I was doing my own math wrong (and a little saddened that thanks to a weekend of bingeing I now have around 200 calories to eat for tmw...whoops!). But I LOVE this. It really helps visualize the "cost" of each binge and each little thing. I can't wait to play with it come Friday.

Again I cannot thank you enough for sharing and working on this. I'm a huge data geek and this has just been so much fun to play with and see how things turn out.