Thanks to you guys I went for my first weight lifting session last night!

@thisgenerationfulfilled I’d never heard of Shelley - I’ve started following her so thanks for the recommendation!

Well done on your workout - I started SC 6 weeks ago after seeing someone post the program on here. I’ve already seen amazing results and improvements, even more so since I started using a whey protein after workouts (which I’ve never done before). Hope you have an extra awesome Day 2 and aren’t too sore tomorrow!
@yanix Stoked to hear you’re seeing results! Amazing work!

Do you have a particular whey protein you’re enjoying using? I hadn’t even considered using one! Are you putting it in smoothies / in meals?

The day two burn has begun, I guess I forgot that D means Delayed 😂
@thisgenerationfulfilled I’m in Australia, and use VPA Whey Isolate and the Pea Protein Isolate. I can’t have too much dairy in my diet for health reasons, so I used the whey after strength training in the morning (3 days a week), and the pea protein after morning yoga which I do on the mornings I don’t do strength training. I am also trying to lose about 10kg, and while tracking the my macros I can see I’m not having enough protein, so I will probably start using the pea protein for an afternoon snack as well (it’s only 104 calories). There’s awesome flavours - my fave is banana. They also have choc mint and rainbow ice cream! You can order a free sample from their webpage too.