The Elusive Pull-Up

@twinmama I have tried doing them with furniture like a table but it seems like my cheap Ikea furniture is not stable enough to feel secure, haha. I did do some searching just now and found an idea of using a broom between two chairs so I'll try that!
@staxx That will work! Be certain to secure it, don't want you slipping off. As another user commented as well, a local park is a great option if you have one available
@twinmama This is so very thorough. Kudos @twinmama!

And thank you for calling out the assisted pull-up machine. It is not your friend & will not get most (I’m sure there are exceptions) people to a strict pull-up. Yes...I’m still annoyed I wasted 6 weeks last year on them hoping for improvement.

EDIT: Typos
@calso Oh my gosh. I’ve been stuck in the 3-5 range for like 2 years. Any tips to break into higher numbers?

Like did you do max reps each set? Or lower sets higher volume? Something else entirely?
@calso Good morning! Thanks for getting back to me.

So if I’m reading this right you pretty much did 1-2 sets of your max reps almost every day?

Sorry I’m dense and just got off a 12 hour shift so I’m a bit fried lol

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