The maze of apps and devices - Advice please?


New member
Hi all, 36F here, overweight and looking to find path back into fitness and goal weight. c. 10 years ago I was very fit - regular gym workouts, regular runs, good diet, etc but at the time I did not use any apps. I used a bit for strength exercises prep but that was it. Now trying to pick up again, I am faced with several apps, devices and subscriptions to choose from (and several apps/devices talk to each other as well so trying to find the best strategy).

Bodyspace - old app that is linked to and I like it v much for tracking strength workouts and detailed goal setting. No idea what it integrates to these days (i think nothing) and there is no subscription requirement.

Lose It - I have used Lose it one/off in recent years and like it; helped stick to portions and track weight, etc. Looks like it will integrate with Strava and Fitbit if I purchase premium.

Starva - Colleagues at work use it so i would like to use this as well (to participate in team steps/run challenges). Looks like it will integrate with fitbit even with free account (but lots of features seem to be available to premium users only).

Fitbit - I purchased a fitbit wearable recently (for team challenge stuff stated above) and that comes with its own app with a bunch of features. Again, looks like a premium subscription will unlock more features.

I obviously dont want to use 4 different apps and have 3 different subscriptions; so much appreciate thoughts from anyone with more knowledge on above.

@cats There’s no need to pay for any app or subscription. Find a routine that works for you and follow it consistently. For powerlifting I use spreadsheets from liftvault. For body holding I follow a program that I made that is very likely suboptimal. For running I yolo it without a plan. For tennis, I play it for the competitiveness, without training. That works for me. I’m sure you can find something that works for you