The mind of a Binge Eater (x post from r/bingeeatingdisorder)

@brohmanluke I really feel like that quote yu wrote doesn't get enough credit. If I lived alone, with the few friends that I have whom I see rarely, I feel like my binging would have affected my psyche like OP. Living with my boyfriend of 6 years though, and seeing how he has literally no problem with how I look no matter whether I'm nice and healthy or got a good few inches of chub in my tum, has really helped. When you find someone who legitimately doesn't care that you have issues and loves you just the same, you want to better yourself for them.

I'm attempting to eat healthy for the umpteenth time again, but this time I'm finding it a bit easier to curb gets better eventually.
@tatig Ughhh. I'm a binge eater also. I binged to hell n back Sunday Monday. I mean 10kcal a day. I gained 6 lbs this morning. I am guilt ridden now too. I understand ur mindset. It's horribly debilitating.

I am so so sorry your dealing with this literal hell in ur own skin. The only thing you can do is start again. And try to read your journal entries of how you feel after you cheat.

I started a medication recently approved for BED. It helps me significantly but if I forget to take it by 8am I can't bc it keeps me up at night. Those are the days I binge
@suziqueue Vyvanse? I was taking that too for about a month and a half but it fucked up my blood pressure so I had to stop taking it a few days ago. It was really helping with the binging, but it just didn't work with my physiology. If you're taking this med I definitely advise monitoring your BP and heart rate.
@goldastroid It is vyvanse. I have very low bp 101/65 and am an athlete so my rhr is 48. I've been on it for 2 years without a problem. It is a stimulant though so it does mess with bp. I have to get mine taken just to get my RX filled monthly
@bham1766 It takes away my appetite. To the point where nothing even sounds good or I forget to eat. It also helps with impulsive behavior. It's an ADD medication, so u probably already know that impulsive behavior is a major problem with's a problem with binge eaters too. We eat on impulse (before thinking about consequences) it works really well for me personally. FYI u will develop a tolerance over time. I try to take a break from it when I feel it's no longer helping and I'm eating anyway on it (like bad PMS eating) it also can raise blood pressure, worsen anxiety and keep u up at night. So you and ur Dr will have to make sure it's right for u

There is TOPAMAX that can be helpful also. It's for many things but anxiety, bipolar disorder and migraines are it's labeled uses. It stabilizes mood and is a mild anoretic. I took it for several years before going off bc of bad cognitive side effects (forgetting words, not being able to complete sentences) Dopamax my psych calls it :)

Good luck!

I know Meds aren't always the answer but I really think some people do so much better n live happier lives with help sometimes
@suziqueue I spent one month on Topamax for migraines and it ruined me. Triggered really disordered eating, anxiety, and the cognitive side effects. I'd recommend someone seriously read the reviews before trying it. Just have to throw this out there.
@dawn16 I hear u. It's not for everyone...just like all meds. Even the warnings on Tylenol and ibuprofen will scare the hell out of you. U just never know which side effects will rear their heads until u and your doctor agree it's the right med for u to try.
@tatig Thank you for posting this -- it takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there like that! I have felt how you felt at various points, and I know that it's not a good place to be.

When I was feeling bad once, I did some research online and found a blog that I liked by a woman who was a recovering anorexic. Maybe there would be something useful for you there? It's This is a good post on self-compassion:

I wish you a better tomorrow!
@tatig Thank you for sharing this. I don't know a lot about binge eating disorder and it was helpful to get a personal account of the things that go through someone's mind when they are on the verge of an episode. I lived with anorexic behaviour for 9 years and can empathize with what you are feeling and where you are coming from - I feel like the "on the brink of..." moments are some of the hardest to overcome and it takes a lot of strength - you are a strong woman to confront it and share your moments.

Take a deep breath and try to re-frame yourself in the moment with a clear conscience. I hope you feel better by this evening hugs

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