The Secret to achieving the L-Sit

@cynthiag Just to be clear your arms should be straighter and still perpendicular to the floor than this image, so that it is still similar to the L sit
@cynthiag I've had the same problem. I'm gonna try adding this compression work in but what I've done to start is grab small dumbbells to help lift my hands off the floor just a little bit which allows me to get my ass off the floor haha
@cynthiag I was in exactly that position initially too, I read on a thread about putting a your hands on two books to give you a little bit of extra height. It's been working well for me.
@dj2big Same. Read through your post and thought "why the hell wouldnt he upload images or videos to go along with the post. This is just a confusing mess." Then i read the comments and realized you werent the idiot here :))))
@aamyggirl I’ll save everybody the click.
  1. Unilateral seated pike compression.
  2. Bilateral seated pike compression
  3. Foot supported L-sit with more compression, like a Lucas Abner version. Like the beginning of a pike press L-sit to HS press raise.
None of this is anything new.

Edit: not pike press, which starts off standing.
@paul500 Adding to Mahnkee's post above...

The compression work helps increase the ability to maintain a posterior pelvic tilt, which is needed for anything requiring L-sit.
@soccergrl For anyone else interested in finding the video without having to spam /@bkchristian to dm it, at least for now, you can click over to his profile and the link will appear in one of his comments that has been moderated out of this thread. The video was short and helped me understand exactly what was described from the post above.