The TDEE calculator says I should be consuming 1230 cals a day to lose weight. I’m 26F 5’2” 125lb, is this sustainable or realistic?


New member
For the past 2 months I’ve been trying to follow a diet of hitting 1230 cals a day with specific macros (30%p 30%f 40%c). I also workout 4 times a week (peloton plus usually lifting some weights after) and get around 5,000 steps a day, I work remote so I take time to walk outside. I’m usually very strict during the weekdays and still eat 3 nutrient dense meals a day although the portions are pretty small. I’ve been screwing up on the weekends so I haven’t seen any consistent weight loss. I’m only looking to get back to what I have been the past 5 ish years which is 120. In order for me to lose weight do I NEED to stick to these calories? I just honestly don’t know how realistic it is. I guess I answered myself already though because during the weekends I think wow I’ve been so strict weighing everything out I should treat myself on the weekends so my body must be deprived during the week. I’m just tired of my constant yo-yo ing and want to find a happy medium so I can keep this up long term.
@adriana28 The last couple sentences are spot on. Look at your calories from a weekly budget rather than a daily one. You're wiping out your weekday deficit with weekend over consumption. Maybe try eating 1400 all seven days and see if that helps you end the binges
@adriana28 A lot of time those estimators are set so that you can lose a pound a week, which can be tougher for petite people. So you end up with a 1200 cals a day rec, but there's no law that says you have to shoot for a whole pound a week. Petite weight loss can be far more sustainable at half a pound a week. It might be slower, but there's less suffering involved!

And I agree with another commenter that putting on muscle might serve you better. You can look more compact if you change your body composition to include a greater ratio of muscle to fat, AND the bonus side effect is that more muscle = higher TDEE.
@adriana28 It seems you’re getting stuck in the restrict-binge cycle but spread out over the week. You are quite active, I don’t think 1230 is enough for you. I’m the same height and I’m steadily losing on 1380 calories and I am barely active (walking.. when I feel like it). Your “screwing up” on the weekend is probably wiping out your deficit. Why don’t you eat at 1400 so you don’t feel so restricted and frustrated by the weekend?

But also consider because you’re already at a healthy weight those last 5lbs will be hard to shed. Additionally, I hear people have a “maintenance range” of around 5lbs because it’s impossible to maintain one static weight.
@adriana28 1230 is too low for a person with your activity level; you’re setting yourself up to overeat/binge and restrict/binge cycles are the way to an eating disorder…

Eat a higher level you can sustain. Even if you lose slowly, it’ll be faster than you’re losing now! I would try 1500/day and see where that gets you after a few weeks.
@adriana28 No, it's not. The TDEE calculators are all brute force, they won't go below 1200 because no adult of whatever size can get enough nutrients below that calorie amount.

The answer is not to go lower on the calories it is to up the exercise. Think about birds, they use a LOT of calories flapping their wings. You are gettig a lot of exercise with peloton plus lifting plus walking--- you need MORE calories not less.

Weight is also not the best measurement of fitness and health. Aim for having a lot of muscle and lean mass (including dense bones) and who cares what your weight is.

You are already a great weight for your height.
@adriana28 Noooo. With that activity level, you are undereating. I recommend body recomp (lose FAT gain muscles AND boost your metabolism) especially because you’re at a healthy weight already.

You’re doing everything else just perfectly. Eat 1400-1600.
@adriana28 Are you doing the math that includes the calories you burn through exercise? The 1200 kcal/day should be /net/, after you account for the exercise. I feel like some people forget that and go way too low into deficit, and so you’d feel like you’re starving.
@adriana28 I'm your height, a few pounds heavier than you, and about the same activity level. At ~1500 cal/day I've been steadily losing about half a pound a week.
@adriana28 Yes, it is realistic but it might be unsustainable for you. I assume that the calculator cuts 500kcal (ie, 3500kcal/EW = - 480gr per week). If you can stick to the diet experiencing a more modest rate of weight loss, I would avoid this severe (in our case) reduction.
@adriana28 Check out YouTuber Marissa at ‘MissFitAndNerdy’. She talks about how our bodies adapt to the 1200 calorie intake and how it’s not sustainable to drop even 10% of calories. Look at her reverse dieting videos. Lots of scientific-backed resources.
@adriana28 It’s possible you’ve been restricting for too long, slowing your metabolism down. Periods of restriction should be balanced out by working back up to maintenance while exercising/putting on muscle, potentially increasing your maintenance calories to support your active lifestyle, and giving your body a break from the diet (look into reverse dieting!). It’s mentally tough and it takes longer, but it’s much more sustainable over the long term. Also, indulging on the weekends could be your body’s way of trying to fuel all the activity you’re doing throughout the week!

Laurie Christine King on Instagram has a lot of great information about this, I also did some research on what calories really look like for petite women. In addition my coach helped me slowly increase my daily calories, now I eat around 1600 cals on rest days (lower carb) and 1900 on heavy lifting days (more carbs).

It’s a marathon, not a sprint! It might take some tweaks but when you make changes give your body time to adjust before determining results. You’re very dedicated and I’m sure you will find what works for you!
@garnett64 Idk why you’re getting downvoted for this but I agree with you!! My coach reversed me from 1200 to nearly 2000 at OP’s height and I have so much more energy.
@garnett64 Just curious, when you add in the 300 grams of extra calories that are mostly carbs, what carbs are you aiming for? Like more veggies/fruit or more whole grains, bigger servings or brown rice, sweet potato, oatmeal, etc?
@jdimmick A good portion is from my intraworkout shake which I drink before/during my workout - it’s coconut water, whey protein, and this Vega pre workout stuff that also has some carbs.

For breakfast I’ll add in a tortilla to make a breakfast burrito, and I’ll usually add in carbs to lunch (like rice) and as snacks later too (I love skinny pop)
@jdimmick I HIGHLY recommend a shake with carbs before/during your workout for the immediate fuel! I noticed my workouts felt way better when I started doing that :) coconut water works well because it has carbs but isn’t heavy like some kind of milk, but I’ve even heard of people mixing protein powder into juice or something too.