They say old guys shouldn’t lift heavy weights


New member

Good thing 48 isn’t old and 255 isn’t heavy!

I started lifting at 42, fat, weak, and with terrible cardio. My first day in the gym one of the regulars asked if I was coming back from an injury because he’d never seen someone so big lifting so little (I think I was benching 25lb dumbbells).

These days putting 255 overhead is part of my regular Tuesday morning workout and my cardio is the best it’s ever been (thanks to 30mins on the rower M/W/F + BJJ most evenings).

It’s not too late to get your act together and get in amazing shape.
@havik Well, but to be real beyond a certain age the recoverability from injuries goes down a ton, and so doing 1RMs all the time may not be the wisest training choice.
@dawn16 I’ve seen it many times in comments here (and elsewhere in Reddit) and heard it in real life.
“You should focus on light weight, high reps” or “You’re going to destroy your joints” or “What about the injury risk”.
But I’ve been lifting heavy for years now and feel better now than before I started lifting.