This short gal can’t seem to lose weight or inches


New member
I started a caloric deficit of 1600 3 1/2 weeks ago. After a week of that and not losing anything, I changed my deficit to 1400 for the past two weeks.
I work out 6x a week. 1 hr weights+ 1 hr cardio 4 of those days. Then the 2 days I walk 6 1/2 miles.
On average my watch tells me I burn around 300-550 cal when I workout (although I know these things are not accurate)

I do not binge, I count ever single thing accurately. I use a food scale and yes I am eating 1g protein per lb of body weight. And yes I eat lots of fiber and veggies.

I am 23 female, 5 foot nothing and still weigh 144lbs.
All my measurements are the same and the number on the scale. I do NOT eat back calories I burn from working out. I have no known health issues and have had thyroid and hormones checked in the past for something unrelated.

What is wrong with me. If I drop my calories any lower I’m afraid I won’t be able to sustain that.
@made2worship Make sure that you continue measuring your food intakke correctly and stay at 1400kcal. The scale will eventually start to drop. Sadly for us short girls we can't achieve a huge deficit so any water retention cancels out all progress on the scale. 3,5 weeks isn't enough to see a noticeable change in measurements either. I know how frustrating it is but stay patient.
@made2worship My girl you only gave it 3 ½ weeks lol!!! This is nothing to stress over, you just need to give it more time and decide on your goals:

Do you want to lose weight, build muscle, or both?

Lose weight = caloric deficit + light cardio (walking)

Build muscle = caloric surplus + heavy lifting + protein

Both = Recomp, and Recomp is when you eat at maintenance to "turn current fat" into muscle. Your weight should be roughly the same but you'll see definition.

What most people do is lose the (fat) weight first then build muscle (weight lift) after being closer to their goal weight. It sounds like you want to lose weight but what you're doing is Recomp. I suggest keeping the 1400, but move weight lifting days to 2-3 days/week while prioritizing 5-10k steps a day. Also, weight lifting initially makes your body retain water, so it takes a while to see effects from it on the scale, which is why I "laugh" at the 3 ½ weeks, because you gotta give it maybe 2 months at least to really really notice stuff!

Good luck & you got this!!
@jasonm420 Crying because I go on vacation in two months and I just wanna be skinny.💔
I’m trying to lose fat but keep or gain some muscle. Without muscle I’ll just be skinny fat. I just feel like 3 1/2 weeks should be enough to see something even if it’s tiny.😕
I’m going to stick with it but it’s very discouraging. Especially when people around me seem to lose weight so much easier, even if they’re the same size as me.
@made2worship Because of my short height. I expect to see about a pound of weight loss a month. But I can also have a couple pounds in weight fluctuation just from day to day! So no, a month of a deficit isn't necessarily long enough to see the weight loss. Or even 2-3 months. You gotta give it time.

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