This short gal can’t seem to lose weight or inches

@made2worship What’s your fiber intake like? You should make sure the carbs you eat are chock full of fiber. The fibrous carbs are generally the most healthy. And fiber is great for gut health and will make you feel much fuller. The most filling things you can put in your body are protein and fiber, and both are important for a balanced and healthy diet!
@made2worship Jeez, that sucks. I’ve heard it can take a while to adjust appetite, though. If appetite is legitimately giving you difficulty even with balanced macros, it apparently can make more sense to take things slow.

Maybe try a smaller calorie deficit and increase the deficit every two weeks or so?

I’ve also seen others say that eating those calories more distributed throughout the day helps as well.

Progress is great as long as it’s consistent and sustainable, and if taking things slow is what that requires it’s worth considering.
@made2worship Do you measure yourself as well a weigh?

Do you drink enough water?

Is the increase in exercise in the last 3 1/2 weeks?
Increased exercise creates muscle soreness and water retention to allow the muscles to heal.
@made2worship Do you drink soda? Do you eat sweets at all? I’ll admit I’ve never had binge eating issues, but I do know of a supplement that helps with appetite if you’re interested. Do you take supplements or a multivitamin?

Edited to add: I read all your comments so I could form a fuller picture and learned you don’t consume alcohol. Changed my first question accordingly, and added some others.
@dougw59 No soda, no sweets. When I crave sweets I will eat a yasso bar or just fruit. No supplements or vitamins. I like to get my nutrition from food.
I had binge eating issues way back when but I don’t anymore.
@made2worship I find it need to give it at least 6 weeks before I see the results! As women we can retain a TON of water and inflammation from working out. Your workout schedule is intense and it will take time before the 'woosh' effect happens. It's frustrating but trust the process!
@made2worship I am 5’2” 39F and starting weight 129 lb (this is the heaviest I have ever been). I run 5 days a week + walk on the treadmill while I am working. Just for stats, average around 30 miles a week. My current deficit is 1214 and on my LR days (10+ miles) I will add 200 more calories.
I finally lost some weight but it didn’t show until 3-4 weeks. I’m now hovering at 122
@made2worship I am so sorry this is how it is for me too (4’9”). Intermittent fasting helps me out a little, but I had to definitely go to the doctor to get my hormones checked out, which were out of whack from insulin resistance and birth control
@made2worship Do you just weigh yourself or do you measure your self every few weeks too. It’s possible to lose fat while gaining muscle so it won’t change the number on the scale especially if your strength training.
@made2worship Give it time! Make sure you are weighing your food but also that seems like a lot of working out most days. Maybe you are working out too much? If I work out, my body does get bloated and the scale seems to be going up. Do you take a weight average? I weigh every or most days and take a weekly average. If your average is going down, you are good! I just seek to really fluctuate a lot and it seems like I’m not losing
@made2worship the scale did not move for me at all within 3.5 weeks but stayed consistent with 1500kcal and one fine day after 2 and a half months, i just kept losing 1-1.5lb every week. now down 16lbs from when i first started in late december-early january. my starting weight was similar to yours (146lbs) and i’m now 129lbs-130lbs (depending on the time of day) and i believe i am still losing.

i lowered my intake to 1400-1300 now depending on my day and activity level, but on days i exercise more i up my calorie intake to 1500-1600 again. i didn’t change much to my diet nor my exercise regime, you really just need to give it some time! 3.5 weeks is not enough time for you to gauge any results, so just continue what you’re doing. don’t focus on the scale as much and enjoy how you are working towards making your body healthier and stronger! good luck and you got this :)
@made2worship Sounds like you’re doing the right things, just give it more time. 3-4 weeks isn’t really enough to understand how things are changing in your body and if it’s working for you. See where you’re at in 8 weeks, then make an adjustment if you need to and give it 4 weeks. People are often impatient when it comes to weight loss, and that’s understandable when you’re working so damn hard but the body needs time to adjust. The weight wasn’t put on in a week or a month, and it won’t come off in a month. Your cycle can also greatly affect how you’re holding weight and you might be retaining water prior to shark week. You got this, just stay on track!