This short gal can’t seem to lose weight or inches

@made2worship I'm 5ft too. I spent almost 4 weeks (basically the entire month of March) at 160 and it was driving me crazy. Admittedly I also got my period during that time and I went to a wedding and had a couple of alcoholic drinks.

Today I was 157lb.

Trust the process and avoid alcohol.
@made2worship hi! so i’m 5’1 and despite working out 6x a week, getting all the sleep i could need, a gallon of water i PHYSICALLY can’t lose weight unless i’m eating 1250 or less & that’s at 19 so i know age and hormonal has nothing to do with it
@lamarhourglass Oh no. I’m hoping this isn’t the case for me.
I’ve lost weight in the past ( not trying) by eating what I wanted and just being active but suddenly I’m struggling.
Maybe your metabolism is shot?
I sleep good and drink lots of water so those aren’t issues for me either
@made2worship it’s a weird situation though, i can eat around 2500 calories without gaining weight but can’t lose unless i’m below 1250 and that’s at 127 lbs :(

edit: i’m being downvoted as if people know how my body functions..
@made2worship I add about 1000 calories at the end of the week for any accounting errors to keep me honest and I usually try to calculate burned calories conservatively as well. Trying not to weigh myself as much because it’s depressing compared to how I feel most of the time.

For me, 1400 would be maintenance even with aggressive calorie burning exercises. And if you’re not getting your heart rate up / really at times trying to push to failure, your body might not respond like you feel it should.
@made2worship You may be working out too much, sorry to say.
I also am 5’0. Weighed 152 and got to 137lbs in 4-5 months. I lost about a lb a week and plateaued for 4-6 weeks when I was 140 then eventually starting losing weight again ending up at 137. Did nothing different, just kept going and my body eventually regulated and started losing more.

I worked out 3-4 days a week, 45 min weight lifting sessions only. I made sure my steps were at least 10k a day, 5 days a week. My caloric intake was about 1760 specifically to lose weight.
My macros: protein: 122g, fat: 49g, carbs: 208g.
I did mine sustainably which is why it took 5 months.

Doing an hour cardio and an hour weightlifting in one session is a lot not to mention 4x/week. You might be overworking your body.

Up your calories, reduce your workout frequency. You should see a change. Hard pill to swallow but if you overwork and under eat, your body goes into ‘starvation mode’, holding onto weight as it doesn’t know if it’ll ‘eat’ again.

If you want to continue working out as you do, then I suggest upping your calories quite a bit.
Use the Macro calculator. Weigh everything. And I mean everything: especially butter, oil, dressing, mayo, etc.
@hugoorno It is not scientifically possible to not lose weight from eating too little and exercise too much.
Starvation mode is a myth. Anyone can starve to death.
What you are talking about is called metabolic adaptation. This is where your metabolism slows from eating too little calories. This does not make it impossible to lose weight, just harder. Also, it takes months for this to happen. OP has been on their diet for 3.5 weeks, not enough time to have metabolism slow from eating too little.

It is likely that OP isn't tracking their food accurately or has some kind of medical condition that is making it harder to lose weight.
@jg_lrd Or, they've only been in a deficit for 3.5 weeks and they're losing weight so slowly that they simply haven't noticed yet. I usually lose weight at about 0.25 pounds a week, and after 3.5 weeks I could expect a pound of weight loss. She probably just needs to be consistent and give this more time.
@made2worship Also bear in mind you are doing a ton of exercise so a lot of the weight could be any fat being lost but muscle gained.

Also when do you eat? Have you considered fasting? It's absolutely not for everyone but it's the only way I managed to shift weight by cutting out breakfast and just having lunch and dinner 5 days a week.

Sounds like you are doing all the right things..just keep at it and hopefully you'll get there. Its so tough for us littlies.
@made2worship According to research, eating a big breakfast and skipping dinner is the best way to do intermittent fasting... I tend to not fast but just eat a very light evening meal (salad basically), and get all my protein in early. Helps with having brain energy in the daytime too!
@made2worship Are you sure your deficits are deficits? At 5'0, 135, 30s, my maintenance is 1499, and TDEE says my cutting goal should be 999 (which is def too low to sustain so my goal is 1100-1300). Current weight is an estimate, though, I haven't found our scale since we moved 😬

Anyway, I'd just double check with a TDEE calculator and just pay attention to everything. Drinks are what sneak up on me hardcore, that's my weakness. Best of luck, OP! You'll get there, but you just started and it takes time for your body to catch on. Give it a bit
@jeff2112 That’s what TDEE says because I exercise 6x a week. If I go any lower I’m going to binge, because I’m already starving all the time even at 1400.
I luckily only drink water and don’t consume alcohol.
Thank you:)
@made2worship I just started the same routine as you Jan 8. The first 3 weeks I only lost 1/2 pound , but since then I’ve been steady at a lb per week. I guess my body was just adjusting and getting used to my new food/ weights/ cardio fitness routine! Don’t give up and keep with it!
@made2worship Try not to compare yourself to others. I know it’s hard, everyone does it but focus on yourself. What helped me was avoiding social media for a while.

I lost 11lbs but thats over a span of 7months as I was on and off working out. Lost 6lbs in 2months doing Cardio everyday single day! Took a 3month break and picked it up again and lost the rest.

Tell yourself you need to do this for you! Increase water and eat at calorie deficit. Less sugary and fried foods. I went down to 105lbs and my body refused to go lower. Goal was 103lbs. I do weight and strength training and now sitting at 110lbs.

If you want to lose weight I suggest you focus on that first before building muscle.