This short gal can’t seem to lose weight or inches

@made2worship I’m not an expert, and I know these things can depend on multiple factors for different people. Im also 23 and I am 5’1 went from 145 to 130. In order to lose weight I always had to get my calories down to 1,200-1,300 in order to see any change in my body. The calorie deficits were always the struggle for me.

EDIT: Also, I want to add that at the start of this journey I was only doing weight training and I hit a plateau in the scale moving (probably from muscle gain). I was doing heavy weights/low reps. I switched to low weight/high reps and saw a really great difference.
@made2worship For me, it took going to a weight management center and working with a RD and NP back in January. What worked was a 900 calorie budget, cutting down on alcohol, going low fat and low carb and focusing on veggies and healthy protein. Gamifying hitting the right proportions made it easy to think about my food choices.

I didn't see results until week 2, and some weeks my weight bounces all over the place before settling down, but overall I'm down a few ounces each week and am trending in the right direction. Officially, I'm down a shirt size, 2 pant sizes and am at a healthy level of visceral fat. The bonus is I can do all these things long term. The hardest part for me is getting enough sleep, that's huge component to my success as an insomniac for the past 2 decades.

I've done paleo in the past but found it unsustainable (we gave it a solid try for like 2 years and it was just all consuming). And I've gone the route of intermittent and alternate day fasting which was terrible and not worth how bad it messed up my relationship with food, so, I don't recommend those personally.

I should note that I'm training for a 10 miler and my plan included healthy fueling strategies for the long runs and cross training. I still measure my food but tend to consume closer to 1300 and still manage to improve my health, so I'm not mad at it, and neither are my RD and NP.

And lastly, all of this works because I started limiting my social circle, social events were absolutely catastrophic for any deficit I had, and they were expensive. Being in a good mental state where you prioritize your health and well being does help with motivation to handle the bad days where everything feels futile.

(FWIW, 35f, 5'0", SW 154, CW 138, goal weight unknown 😅)
@made2worship How are you tracking your calories burned? Are you using a meal tracking app that shows your full day of burned calories or just looking at what your workout tracked.

How much protein are you eating?
@made2worship I have to intermittent fast to lose anything personally. I don’t believe the TDEE calculations for my height, period. I’ve done them for weeks and not only couldn’t lose but gained. I’m sorry, it’s very frustrating. I eat all my food in a 4 hour window and now I lose 🤷‍♀️
@made2worship After a few weeks you’ll wonder why you ever ate all day. Trust me. It’s the easiest thing ever now, I don’t even have to count calories I lose every week on it.
@mikeyb123 Same, I do ADF and rolling 42s. It’s the easiest way for me to guarantee weight loss. I’ve lost 20 pounds in 4 months! 20:4 IF/OMAD unfortunately didn’t work for my short ass lol I was still eating at maintenance but ADF changed my life!
@fronteirins I think I’m lucky because I’m 5’4, slightly higher than many women complaining of lack of weight loss in these groups. Also, I’m currently obese technically (barely) so we’ll see how long 20:4 works for me. I can eat more and lose. I know this makes a lot of cico zealots angry but you could put me in a lab and replicate the results, I’m exact when I do cico and it’s a mystery but it never works for me.
@mikeyb123 I'm 5'1 and already started at a healthy weight so yeah, weight loss will be slower for me compared to others. Idk why you're getting downvoted. Mostly from people who aren't familiar with the fasting lifestyle. I've always fasted growing up so unintentionally was always doing IF. ADF just ramped it up for me. I still track calories on my refeed days to be on the safe side though!
@fronteirins Girl you’re preaching to the choir. When I joined the military in my 20’s I couldn’t stand to eat breakfast before early morning workouts and fitness tests. I never heard the end of it from my colleagues but my scores and performance were notably lower if I ate food prior to PT. I mean I once had a supervisor so angry about it she forced me to eat a banana in front of her before my PT test and my run was slower than the weeks leading up to the test. I quit eating breakfast in high school. It just made zero sense to me to eat when I wasn’t hungry, still doesn’t.
@made2worship You’re probably doing too much. You might need to reverse diet. Too much exercise and not enough food so your body thinks you’re starving and is slowing your metabolism…plus probably holding onto water from swelling from all the muscle soreness. That happened when I worked out too much too quickly.
@made2worship Do you mean you were eating 1600 calories and then switched to 1400? I don’t think you understand what “deficit” means. In any case, just keep up the effort and healthy eating. If you’re seriously tracking calories accurately (with a food scale) and exercising, and all of these healthy choices weren’t being done before your weight loss journey started, then you’re going to lose weight. Be patient.
@seeking836 My original deficit was 1600. Not maintenance. i wasn’t seeing anything so I switched to 1400. Im aware of what a deficit is. I got 1600 from TDEE calculator.
Yeah im new to the deficit ( 3 1/2 weeks) and all the added exercise.